Letter of Permission

In certain circumstances, UBC students may be permitted to study at an institution outside of UBC with a Letter of Permission (LOP). To have credits count towards your UBC degree, you must first be granted an LOP by your Faculty. However, LOPs are issued only in extenuating circumstances; typically, students are expected to complete all courses at UBC.    

Eligibility and Considerations    

To take a course with a Letter of Permission the student and the course requested have to meet the following eligibilities and considerations.  


  • You need to be ingood standingin your most recently completed Winter Session 
  • You need to be a registered UBC student 
  • Your transfer credits are not exceeding 60 credits into your degree (the maximum allowable transfer credits at UBC is 60) 
  • The course is not used to meet Minor requirements, an elective either technical or humanities 

Considerations for LOPs 

  • If the UBC course is full 
  • The course is offered at an accredited Canadian institution 
  • If you are on a co-op work term and would like to take a course toward your degree requirement and are unable to at UBC 
  • The course that you are seeking an LOP for affects your degree progression, ultimately delaying it 
  • If a course is not offered at UBC and it is needed as a prerequisite to another course. If the requested course is offered in the next session, the request is unlikely to be granted. For example, if a student fails PHYS 170 in the 2023 Winter Session and needs this course as a pre-requisite in the following 2024 Winter Term 1, an LOP would be considered for the summer of 2024. If they do not take the course in LOP in 2024 Summer, the student must take the course at UBC in the 2024 Winter term
  • Unique learning opportunities not offered by UBC 

General Information on LOPs

  • LOPs do not guarantee that the course will meet specific degree requirements 
  • An LOP does not guarantee admission to another institution; you must meet all entry requirements as a visiting student at the host institution. 
  • An LOP can be used only for the Term that it is granted. For example, if you have an LOP approved for Winter Session Term 1 and decide to take the course in Winter Session Term 2, you must reapply for a new LOP. 
  • If you are given an LOP to take a course elsewhere while still registered at UBC, you are considered to meet all UBC obligations first. For example, if you have an exam conflict at both institutions, you are expected to meet the UBC obligations first; academic concession will not be provided in these circumstances. 
  • If a student requests two LOPs, (i.e., MATH 100/101 or CHEM 121/123) the student must submit proof of completion and a passing grade before the second course is approved and granted. 
  • The credit of the LOP course is included in the total credit that the student is permitted to take in that particular term. Permission to take a course with a LOP does not increase the credit limit. For example, if a student has a 12-credit limit in a summer term and takes a LOP with 3 credits, the student can register up to 9 credits at UBC. 

Guideline and Application Form

1. Check if you meet all of the eligibility and conditions  

2. If you are considering a course at an institution in British Columbia, ensure that the course you want to take is transferrable to UBC by using the BC Transfer Guide (BC Transfer Guide 101

3. Ensure the details of the course are thoroughly researched such as the exam time and location

4. To submit a request, complete the Letter of Permission Form below.

5. After your request has been evaluated, you will be notified via email with a decision related to your request; submission of a request does not guarantee approval 

Course being takenApplication OpensDecision made by
Winter Session
Term 1 (September – December)
July 15 - 25August 1
Winter Session Term 2 (January – April) November 15 - 25December 1
Summer Session (May – August) March 15-25April 1
Summer Session* May 1-May 15May 18
*The May form opening is only for students who failed a 2023W Term 2 course and that course is currently offered in 2024S at UBC but the course registration is full.

Suggested Timelines

Course being takenSummer Session (May-August) Winter Session Term 1 (September - December) Winter Session Term 2 (January - April)
Length of courseMay to end of July September to the end of November January to the end of March
Apply for the final exam Early July Early November Early March
Take the final exam Early August Early December Early April
Receive the final grade and send an official transcript to UBC Admissions Late August Mid-December to before Christmas break Late April