Academic Standing and Progression

Academic Standing is determined by your Sessional Academic Average at the end of each Winter and Summer Session. One of three Academic Standings is assigned as a result of a Sessional Academic Evaluation: Good Standing, Academic Probation, or Failed Year. All students are in Good Standing when first admitted to the Faculty.

Academic Standing and Promotion Requirements are outlined in the Academic Calendar: Academic Regulations

Academic Standings and Progression Requirements

Please refer to the page below for information on academic standing grade requirements:

2023 Winter Session (September 2023 – April 2024)

Year LevelSessional AverageAcademic Standing at the Time of EvaluationResulting Academic StandingPromotion Status
160% or moreAny StandingGood StandingEligible to continue; eligible for Year 2*
150% - 54.9%Not ProbationAcademic ProbationEligible to continue; not eligible for Year 2
155% - 59.9%Not ProbationAcademic ProbationEligible to continue; eligible for Year 2*
150% - 59.9%ProbationFailed YearRequired to discontinue
1Less than 50%Any StandingFailed YearRequired to discontinue
2-555% or moreAny StandingGood StandingEligible to continue**
2-550% - 54.9%Not ProbationAcademic ProbationEligible to continue**
2-550% - 54.9%ProbationFailed YearRequired to discontinue
2-5Less than 50%Any StandingFailed YearRequired to discontinue
* Students must successfully complete a minimum of 27 credits of the first year program before being permitted to continue to Year 2.
**Students must successfully complete a minimum of 80% of the credits required for year levels 2 and higher before being permitted to continue to the next year level.
**Note that additional registration restrictions may apply. See Communication Requirement.

A student with a second assigned Failed Standing will be required to withdraw from the University. See Advancement Regulations.

2024 Winter Session (September 2024 – April 2025)

Academic Standing can be found in the UBC calendar under the “Academic Standing and Promotion Requirements” heading. 

Year LevelSessional AverageAcademic Standing at the Time of EvaluationResulting Academic StandingPromotion Status
1-555% or moreAny StandingGood StandingEligible to continue
1-550% - 54.9%Not ProbationAcademic ProbationEligible to continue
1-550% - 54.9%ProbationFailed YearRequired to discontinue
1-5Less than 50%Any StandingFailed YearRequired to discontinue
Note that additional registration restrictions may apply such as the Communication Requirements.

A student with a second assigned Failed Standing will be required to withdraw from the University. See Advancement Regulations.

Progression Requirements

Year Level
(Class Standing)
Most Programs (See other columns for exceptions)Engineering Physics Environmental Engineering (ENVE) & Camosun Bridge
Year 1 to Year 227 Credits27 CreditsN/A
Year 2 to Year 363 Credits + WRDS 150 or equivalent47 Credits + ENPH 259 + WRDS 150 or equivalentN/A
Year 3 to Year 499 Credits + Technical communication requirement90 Credits + ENPH 253 + Technical communication requirement30 UBC credits (prior credits not included)
Year 4 to Year 5N/A107 Credits + ENPH 459N/A
Note that transfer credits into UBC are included towards progression.

Academic Probation

Sessional evaluations take place in May for most students, and students will receive email notification of their academic standing in early June. Details about Academic Probation, the terms of the probation, and the steps you need to take to return to ‘Good Standing’ will be outlined in the email.

From the Academic Calendar:

Students who are on Probation in Year 1, i.e., with a sessional average between 50% and 59.9%, must achieve a sessional average of 60% or greater in an approved schedule of courses during their next registered Winter Session in order to return to Good Standing. Students must meet with an Engineering Academic Advisor to establish an appropriate schedule of courses, which must be approved by the Director of Engineering Academic Services or designate.

Students who are on Probation in Year 2 or higher, i.e., with a sessional average between 50% and 54.9%, must achieve a sessional average of 55% or greater in an approved schedule of courses during their next registered Winter Session in order to return to Good Standing. Students must meet with a Faculty Advisor to establish an appropriate schedule of courses, which must be approved by the Program Director/Department Head or designate.

Failed Year Standing

A failed year is an academic standing assigned to students who do not meet the required overall sessional average required to continue. This minimum GPA depends on your academic standing and year level. Students are assessed on their overall Winter sessional average, meaning all courses taken from September-April.

Please see the Academic Standing section above for detailed information about sessional averages and progression.

Receiving Failed Year Standing

You will be notified by email of your academic standing when your Sessional Academic Evaluation is complete.

Once you receive notification, you will be required to discontinue studies for a year before seeking readmission to UBC.

Students who intend to seek readmission to the engineering program after a Failed Year are strongly encouraged to consider using their time away in support of possible future studies:

  • If you are in first year, completing a minimum of 24 relevant and transferable credits from another recognized post-secondary institution (e.g. from those institutions offering an Engineering Transfer Program
  • Completing one year of relevant technical work if no additional coursework can be found
  • Some combination of relevant academic study and engineering-related work experience which demonstrates a high potential to have success in the program

If you need assistance in finding relevant academic study or technical work to complete during your time away from UBC, please consult with an Academic Advisor

Late Notification of Failed Year Standing – Academic Standing under Review

Engineering Academic Services (EAS) may delay determining your academic standing if there are insufficient final grades to conduct an assessment. Such may be the case with Standing Deferred (SD) exams which are completed in late July/early August for Winter Session courses. Your academic record will be reviewed again when further grades have been submitted. If an assessment results in a failed year after the appeal deadline, you will be permitted to submit an appeal within three business days of receiving notice of a failed year standing.

Impact on Summer Session Courses

If you received a failed year standing from the current Winter Session and have registered for courses in the Summer Session, you will be permitted to continue with and complete Term 1-only (May-June) and full-term (May-August) Summer Session courses. You will not be permitted to continue with Term 2-only (July-August) Summer Session courses.

Failed Year Standing Appeal – Current Students with Failed Year Standing

If you have received a failed year standing and have extenuating circumstances that impacted your academic performance, you can submit an appeal for consideration to continue your studies in the upcoming Winter Session without discontinuing for a year. Submitting an appeal does not guarantee you will be allowed to continue studying without discontinuing.

Prepare your Appeal
  • Appeal letter:
    • Be concise. No more than two pages (single space) typed summary addressing:
      • The extenuating circumstances that impacted your academic performance
        • Reflect on what happened. 
        • Consider factors that may have impacted your academic performance.  
        • Chronologically explain the timeline of events that took place that impacted your academic performance.
      • How you are addressing or have addressed the extenuating circumstances
        • The support(s) and resource(s) you have sought and utilized 
        • Have they been helpful? Are you continuing with the support and resources?
      • A detailed plan on how you will achieve academic success when you return
        • Develop an action plan and describe the ways your plan to prevent a recurrence 
    • Include (if any) relevant documentation in support of the grounds for your appeal1,2,3.
      • It is highly encouraged to include supporting documentation to provide evidence for the grounds on which you are basing your appeal for the review. If documentation is not included but is requested by the Academic Committee to help in their review, it may result in a delay of the review and you will be contacted by EAS to provide documentation:
        • medical documentation can include a letter from a physician, counselor, or medical practitioner that outlines the progress of treatment, and a statement on your readiness to return to studies, and other recommendations that can help support your return
        • any other supporting documents that are directly related to the circumstances

1 If you are or have been supported by the Centre for Accessibility (CfA) and have identified their support in your appeal, you will not need to include a letter from your accessibility advisor. We may reach out to CfA to confirm documentation has been received and to request their recommendation for support if your appeal is successful.

Documentation submitted will only be seen by the Academic Committee and EAS administration staff for the purpose of reviewing the appeal.

3All supporting documentation needs to be in English

Additional support for the structure and content of your appeal letter is available through the UBC Ombudsperson Office, who have published Appeal Guidelines to help students navigate through this process. Students can also reach out to AMS Advocacy, who can support students through Academic Standing decisions and provide feedback on written submissions. 

How your Appeal will be evaluated

The Faculty of Applied Science’s Academic Committee convenes in the summer to review appeals on academic standing. In their consideration, they are seeking evidence of your preparedness to return to the academic rigours of the program.  As such, they will be evaluating the extenuating circumstances that affected your academic performance, your plan to achieve success, and evidence that the extenuating circumstances which impacted your academic performance have been resolved or managed.

The Academic Committee meets twice in the summer. You will be informed of the Academic Committee’s decision by email within 7 to 10 business days after the committee has reviewed your appeal.

Where there are discrepancies between what is stated on this page and the Academic Calendar, the information in the Academic Calendar is considered to be most accurate