Request for Letters

For new UBC students (September 2024)

For students joining UBC in September 2024, you can download letters of enrolment via Workday.

For current UBC students

Please continue to use SSC to request letters until further notice. If the auto-generated letters available to a student on SSC are not sufficient, EAS may be able to write customized letters for students who are enrolled in the BASC program.

Letter of Enrolment

A Letter of Enrolment is a standard letter proving a student’s enrolment at the University of British Columbia. A general version of this letter can be accessed through the Student Service Centre (SSC):

  1. Log on to the SSC
  2. Select “Grades & Records”
  3. Select “Proof of Enrolment Letters”

If you need your letter to be customized to include certain information, please use the letter request form below. For example, EAS is able to add your specific program, estimated graduation date, or a paragraph confirming that you have maintained full-time student status.

Example Letter

RE:         {Student Name}

               UBC Student Number: {########}
               D.O.B.: {mm/dd/yyyy}

To whom it may concern:

This letter is to confirm that {Student Name} is enrolled in the Materials Engineering program in the Faculty of Applied Science and is in good standing with eligibility to continue with their studies. They are expected to complete their program of study and graduate in May 2025.  

If further information is required, please do not hesitate to contact me.


{Academic Advisor Name, Signature}

Engineering Academic Services

Letter of Completion

A Letter of Completion is a standard letter confirming the completion of a student’s degree requirements. Once a student’s degree is conferred, a Letter of Completion can be downloaded through their SSC:

  1. Log on to the SSC
  2. Select “Grades & Records”
  3. Select “Proof of Completion Letters”

If a student needs a customized version of this letter to include additional information or needs the letter prior to degree conferral, EAS is able to provide custom letters through the letter request form below*.

*Note: Letters of Completion can only be provided once all degree requirement courses are completed and final grades are on SSC. Please ensure your degree navigator appears to have all requirements fulfilled to avoid delays.

Example Letter

RE:         {Student Name}

               UBC Student Number: {########}
               D.O.B.: {mm/dd/yyyy}

To whom it may concern:

This letter is to confirm that {Student Name} has completed all the requirements for the Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Computer Engineering as of January 3rd, 2023. The student’s expected date of graduation is May 2023. 


If further information is required, please do not hesitate to contact me.


{Academic Advisor Name, Signature}

Engineering Academic Services

Other Letters

EAS may be able to provide custom letters outside the scope of a regular Letter of Enrolment or Letter of Completion. For example, EAS is able to provide is a letter confirming that UBC is an English institution.

*Note: If you are requesting a letter in this category, please select “Letter of Enrolment” on the Letter Request form, and provide details of the letter you need in the Additional Information section provided.

Example Letter

RE:         {Student Name}

               UBC Student Number: {########}

To whom it may concern:

This letter is to confirm that {Student Name} is enrolled in the Computer Engineering program in the Faculty of Applied Science. The University of British Columbia is an English institution, and all courses, with the exception of language learning courses, are taught fully in English.


If further information is required, please do not hesitate to contact me.


{Academic Advisor Name, Signature}

Engineering Academic Services

Note: Engineering Academic Services is not able to write admission letters.