Humanities and Social Sciences Requirement

The Humanities requirement is an opportunity to explore areas outside of the core engineering courses.

Requirement Information

Bachelor of Applied Science students must take 6 credits in the Humanities (the study of human culture) or Social Science (the study of society) to fulfill part of their Complementary Studies requirement. Students take 3 of these credits as part of the First Year Program, and the remaining 3 credits are taken in an upper year (timing is program dependent).

Course Eligibility Guidelines

You can take almost any course offered within the Faculty of Arts to fulfill the Humanities and Social Sciences electives requirement. Some exceptions include:

  • Courses that have a focus on technical, scientific components, and/or lab-based case studies are not approved even if they are offered by the Faculty of Arts.
  • Scientific geography courses (GEOB/GEOS) and statistic courses (STAT) are not approved.
  • Studio and Performance courses in Fine Arts, Music, and Theatre are not approved. You may not take any theory or performance-based Music courses.
  • Medical terminology courses are not approved.

Effective Summer 2018, a maximum of 3 credits in a language course can be used towards the humanities and social sciences requirement*

*Prior to 2018, 6 credits of language course could be used towards humanities and social sciences. The Impact of Technology requirement was fulfilled by an approved course in the Faculty of Arts under the former Complementary Studies requirements.

Currently Assessed Courses

Use the search bar or scroll/page through the list to see if a course has been approved or not approved.  
Please review the notes carefully as some courses are only approved or not-approved for certain sections or years.

Course CodeSubject TitleCourse NumberApproved? Notes
ACAMAsian Canadian and Asian Migration Studies350Not approved
ADHEAdult Education328Not approved
ADHEAdult Education 412Not approved
AFSTAfrican Studies250AApproved
AGECAgricultural Economics340Approved
AMNEAncient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies101Approved
AMNEAncient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies151ApprovedPreviously CLST 105
AMNEAncient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies160Approved
AMNEAncient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies170ApprovedPreviously CNRS 104
AMNEAncient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies200Approved
AMNEAncient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies215ApprovedPreviously CLST 231
AMNEAncient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies216ApprovedPreviously CLST 232
AMNEAncient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies225ApprovedPreviously CLST 260
AMNEAncient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies235ApprovedPreviously CLST 211
AMNEAncient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies236ApprovedPreviously CLST 212
AMNEAncient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies301Approved A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the Humanities requirement;

Previously CLST 301
AMNEAncient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies306ApprovedPreviously CLST 306
AMNEAncient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies312ApprovedPreviously NEST 303
AMNEAncient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies314ApprovedPreviously NEST 301
AMNEAncient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies327Approved
AMNEAncient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies341ApprovedPreviously RELG 307
AMNEAncient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies351ApprovedPreviously NEST 312
AMNEAncient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies377Approved
AMNEAncient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies373ApprovedPreviously RELG 306
ANTHAnthropology140Not approved
ANTHAnthropology218Not approved
APSCApplied Sciences 261Not approved
APSCApplied Sciences 262Not approved
APSCApplied Sciences 367Not approved
APSCApplied Sciences 402Approved
APSCApplied Sciences 462Not approved
APSCApplied Sciences 498TApprovedSDS course Decarbonization Technologies and Policy meets both Impact of Tec and Humanities requirement but can only be used towards ONE of the requirements. CIVL and CHBE students can only take this course for general interest (It will not count towards Complementary Studies).
ARBCArabic Studies101ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
ARBCArabic Studies102ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
ARBCArabic Studies201ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
ARBMModern Standard Arabic101ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
ARCLAnthropological Archaeology103Approved
ARCLAnthropological Archaeology140Not approved
ARCLAnthropological Archaeology203Not approved
ARCLAnthropological Archaeology204Approved
ARCLAnthropological Archaeology228Not approved
ARCLAnthropological Archaeology235Approved
ARTHArt History101Approved
ARTHArt History102Approved
ARTHArt History225Approved
ARTHArt History227Approved
ARTHArt History253Approved
ARTHArt History300Approved
ARTHArt History309Approved
ARTHArt History311Approved
ARTHArt History322Approved
ARTHArt History331Approved
ARTHArt History332Approved
ARTHArt History339Approved
ARTHArt History340Approved
ARTHArt History341Approved
ARTHArt History345Approved
ARTHArt History350Approved
ARTHArt History351Approved
ARTHArt History397ANot approved
ASIAAsian Studies100Approved
ASIAAsian Studies101Approved
ASIAAsian Studies110Approved
ASIAAsian Studies200Approved
ASIAAsian Studies210Approved
ASIAAsian Studies 212Approved
ASIAAsian Studies250Approved
ASIAAsian Studies305Approved
ASIAAsian Studies308Approved
ASIAAsian Studies309Approved
ASIAAsian Studies315Approved
ASIAAsian Studies320Approved
ASIAAsian Studies325Approved
ASIAAsian Studies326Approved
ASIAAsian Studies327Approved
ASIAAsian Studies328Approved
ASIAAsian Studies330Approved
ASIAAsian Studies336Approved
ASIAAsian Studies340ApprovedAlso cross-listed as HIST 379
ASIAAsian Studies353Approved
ASIAAsian Studies354Approved
ASIAAsian Studies355Approved
ASIAAsian Studies361Approved
ASIAAsian Studies363Approved
ASIAAsian Studies364AApproved
ASIAAsian Studies365Approved
ASIAAsian Studies367Approved
ASIAAsian Studies371ApprovedAlso cross-listed as PHIL 371
ASIAAsian Studies372Approved
ASIAAsian Studies375Approved
ASIAAsian Studies376Approved
ASIAAsian Studies391Approved
ASIAAsian Studies392Approved
ASIAAsian Studies394Approved
ASIAAsian Studies399Approved
ASIAAsian Studies451Approved
ASIXAsian Studies Crossings300Approved
ASLAmerican Sign Language100ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
ASLAmerican Sign Language101ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
ASLAAsian LanguagesANYNot yet assessedIf you are interested in a course with this code, please contact EAS.
ASTRAstronomyANYNot approved
ASTUArts Studies400CNot approved
ASTUArts Studies402Approved
ATSCAtmospheric ScienceANYNot approved
CDSTCanadian StudiesANYNot yet assessedIf you are interested in a course with this code, please contact EAS.
CENSCentral, Eastern and Northern European Studies104Approved
CENSCentral, Eastern and Northern European Studies201Approved
CENSCentral, Eastern and Northern European Studies202Approved
CENSCentral, Eastern and Northern European Studies303Approved
CENS Central, Eastern and Northern European Studies404Approved
CHINChinese131ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CHINChinese133ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CHINChinese141ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CHINChinese143ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CHINChinese144ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CHINChinese231ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CHINChinese233ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CHINChinese241ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CHINChinese243ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CHINChinese331ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CHINChinese333ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CHINChinese335ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CHINChinese337ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CHINChinese341ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CHINChinese343ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CHINChinese345ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CHINChinese347ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CHINChinese401ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CHINChinese403ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CHINChinese415ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CHINChinese441ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CHINChinese471ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CHINChinese473ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CHINChinese483ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CINECinema Studies100Approved
CIVLCivil200Not approved
CIVLCivil250Not approved
CLCHClassical ChineseANYNot yet assessedIf you are interested in a course with this code, please contact EAS.
CLSTClassical Studies105Approved
CLSTClassical Studies110Approved
CLSTClassical Studies111Approved
CLSTClassical Studies211Approved
CLSTClassical Studies212Approved
CLSTClassical Studies232Approved
CLSTClassical Studies260Approved
CLSTClassical Studies301Not approved
CLSTClassical Studies306Approved
CLSTClassical Studies332Approved
CNPSCounselling PsychologyANYNot approved
CNPSCounselling Psychology331Not approved
CNPSCounselling Psychology362Not approved
CNPSCounselling Psychology363Not approved
CNPSCounselling Psychology427Not approved
CNPSCounselling Psychology433Not approved
CNRSClassical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies104Approved
CNTOCantonese301ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CNTOCantonese303ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CNTOCantonese311ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CNTOCantonese401ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CNTOCantonese451ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
CNTOCantonese451ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
COGSCognitive Systems Program200Not approved
COMMCommerce280Not approved
COMMCommerce292Not approved
COMMCommerceANYNot approved
COMRCommerce100Not approved
COMRCommerce Minor280Not approved
COMRCommerce Minor329Not approved
CONSNatural Resources Conservation101Not Approved
CONSNatural Resources Conservation127Not approved
CONSNatural Resources Conservation200Not approved
CONSNatural Resources Conservation210Not approved
CONSNatural Resources Conservation340Not Approved
CONSNatural Resources Conservation425Approved
CONSNatural Resources Conservation499CApproved2018W only
CRWRCreative Writing200Approved
CRWRCreative Writing201Approved
CRWRCreative Writing203Approved
CRWRCreative Writing205Approved
CRWRCreative Writing206Approved
CRWRCreative Writing208Approved
CRWRCreative Writing209Approved
CRWRCreative Writing213Approved
CRWRCreative Writing220Approved
CRWRCreative Writing230Approved
CRWRCreative Writing302Approved
CRWRCreative Writing310Approved
CRWRCreative Writing311Approved
CSISCritical Studies in Sexuality300Approved
CSISCritical Studies in Sexuality450BApproved
CTLNCatalanANYNot yet assessedIf you are interested in a course with this code, please contact EAS.
DANI Danish100ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
DANI Danish110ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
DANI Danish200ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
DANI Danish210ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
DESDesign110Not Approved
DESDesign130Not Approved
DESDesign200Not Approved
DESDesign220Not Approved
DESDesign230Not Approved
DSCIData ScienceANYNot Approved
ECEDEarly Childhood Education406Not approved
ECONEconomics1stApprovedAdvanced Credits (6 credits)
ECONEconomics320Not approved
ECONEconomics325Not approved
EDECEarly Childhood Education406Not Approved
ENDSEnvironmental Design221Not approved
ENDSEnvironmental DesignANYNot approved
ENGLEnglish1st ApprovedIf 6 credits of AP/IB ENGL 1st credits are awarded, students may apply 3 credits towards the Humanities requirement & 3 credits towards the WRDS 150B requirement.
ENGLEnglish110ApprovedNote: Cannot be double counted for the first year English requirement
ENGLEnglish111ApprovedNote: Cannot be double counted for the first year English requirement
ENGLEnglish301Not approved
EOSCEarth and Ocean SciencesANYNot approved
FHISFrench, Hispanic and Italian StudiesANYNot yet assessedIf you are interested in a course with this code, please contact EAS.
FIPRFilm Production101Approved
FIPRFilm Production133Not approved
FIPRFilm Production234Not approved
FISTFilm Production100Approved
FISTFilm Studies200Not approved
FISTFilm Studies220Approved
FISTFilm Studies332Not approved
FMSTFamily Studies200Approved
FMSTFamily Studies210Approved
FMSTFamily Studies238Approved
FMSTFamily Studies312Approved
FMSTFamily Studies314Approved
FMSTFamily Studies316Approved
FNELFirst Nations and Endangered Languages Program101ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of languages will be approved to apply towards the humanities requirement
FNELFirst Nations and Endangered Languages Program102ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of languages will be approved to apply towards the humanities requirement
FNHFood, Nutrition and Health160Not approved
FNHFood, Nutrition and Health200Not approved
FNHFood, Nutrition and Health250Not approved
FNHFood, Nutrition and Health255Not approved
FNHFood, Nutrition and Health330Not approved
FNHFood, Nutrition and Health355Approved
FNISFirst Nations and Indigenous Studies100Approved
FNISFirst Nations and Indigenous Studies210Approved
FNISFirst Nations and Indigenous Studies220Approved
FNISFirst Nations and Indigenous Studies360Approved
FNELFirst Nations and Endangered Languages180Approved
FREFood and Resource Economics306Approved
FREFood and Resource Economics374Not approved
FRENFrench101ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
FRENFrench102ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
FRENFrench111ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
FRENFrench112ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
FRENFrench122ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
FRENFrench123ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
FRENFrench201ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
FRENFrench202ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
FRENFrench220ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
FRENFrench221ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
FRENFrench222ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
FRENFrench223ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
FRENFrench224ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
FRENFrench225ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
FRENFrench301ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
FRENFrench302ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
FRENFrench314ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
FRENFrench328ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
FRENFrench330ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
FRENFrench331Approved A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
FRENFrench401ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
FRSTForest Studies202Not approved
FRSTForest Studies302Not Approved
FRSTForest Studies303Not approved
FRSTForest Studies402Approved
GEOBGeographical SciencesANYNot approved
GEOGGeography1st Not approvedIB Transfer Credit
GEOGGeography202Not approved
GEOGGeography310Not approved
GEOGGeography318Not approved
GEOG Geography351Approved
GEOSGeographical SciencesANYNot approvedPreviously GEOB
GERMGerman105ApprovedOld course code.
A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
GERMGerman410ApprovedOld course code.
A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
GERMGerman414ApprovedOld course code.
A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
GERMGerman420ApprovedOld course code.
A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
GERMGerman Language430ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
GERNGerman Language101ApprovedPreviously GERM 100.
A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
GERNGerman Language102ApprovedPreviously GERM 110.
A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
GERNGerman Language201ApprovedPreviously GERM 200.
A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
GERNGerman Language202ApprovedPreviously GERM 210.
A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
GERNGerman Language301ApprovedPreviously GERM 300.
A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
GERNGerman Language302ApprovedPreviously GERM 310.
A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
GERNGerman Language304ApprovedPreviously GERM 433.
A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
GERNGerman Language303ApprovedPreviously GERM 313.
A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
GERNGerman Language309ApprovedPreviously GERM 314.
A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
GERNGerman Language344ApprovedPreviously GERM 380.
GERNGerman Language401ApprovedPreviously GERM 400.
A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
GERNGerman Language304ApprovedPreviously GERM 433.
A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
GERNGerman Language404ApprovedPreviously GERM 434.
A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
GMSTGerman Studies121ApprovedPreviously GERM 121.
GMSTGerman Studies346ApprovedPreviously GERM 301.
GMSTGerman Studies347ApprovedPreviously GERM 302.
GMSTGerman Studies341ApprovedPreviously GERM 303.
GMSTGerman Studies335ApprovedPreviously GERM 304.
GMSTGerman Studies325ApprovedPreviously GERM 305.
GMSTGerman Studies342ApprovedPreviously GERM 360.
GMSTGerman Studies420ApprovedPreviously GERM 403.
GMSTGerman Studies440ApprovedPreviously GERM 406
GMSTGerman Studies436ApprovedPreviously GERM 409.
GMSTGerman Studies427ApprovedPreviously GERM 411.
GMSTGerman Studies475ApprovedPreviously GERM 412.
GMSTGerman Studies433ApprovedPreviously GERM 426.
GREKGreekANYNot yet assessedIf you are interested in a course with this code, please contact EAS.
GRSJGender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice101Approved
GRSJGender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice102Approved
GRSJGender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice102Approved
GRSJGender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice200Approved
GRSJGender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice224AApproved
GRSJGender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice224FApproved
GRSJGender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice225Approved
GRSJGender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice230Approved
GRSJGender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice235Approved
GRSJGender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice300Approved
GRSJGender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice307Approved
HEBRHebrew101ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
HESOHealth and SocietyANYNot approved
HINUHindi-Urdu200ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
HISTHistory1stApprovedAdvanced Credits (6 credits)
HISTHistory379ApprovedAlso cross-listed as ASIA 340
HIST History383Approved
HIST History393ApprovedAlso cross-listed as PHIL 360
HUNUHuman Nutrition303Approved
IHHSInterprofessional Health and Human Service300Not approved
IHHSInterprofessional Health and Human Service400Not approved
IHHSInterprofessional Health and Human Service401Not approved
INDOIndonesianANYNot yet assessedIf you are interested in a course with this code, please contact EAS.
INFOInformation Studies100Approved
INFOInformation Studies200Approved
INFOInformation Studies303Approved
INLBIndigenous Land-Based StudiesANYNot yet assessedIf you are interested in a course with this code, please contact EAS.
ITALItalian101ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
ITALItalian102ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
ITALItalian201ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
ITALItalian202ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
ITALItalian206ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
ITALItalian301ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
ITSTItalian StudiesANYNot yet assessedIf you are interested in a course with this code, please contact EAS.
JAPNJapanese100ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
JAPNJapanese101ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
JAPNJapanese102ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
JAPNJapanese103ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
JAPNJapanese160ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
JAPNJapanese200ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
JAPNJapanese201ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
JAPNJapanese260ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
JAPNJapanese320ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
JAPNJapanese321ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
JAPNJapanese322ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
JAPNJapanese323ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
JAPNJapanese360ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
JAPNJapanese361ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
KINKinesiology120Not approved
KINKinesiology300Not approved
KINKinesology140Not approvedOnly a maximum of 3 credits of KIN course will be approved to apply towards the humanities requirement
KINKinesology150ApprovedFormerly KIN 231
Only a maximum of 3 credits of KIN course will be approved to apply towards the humanities requirement
KINKinesology160ApprovedOnly a maximum of 3 credits of KIN course will be approved to apply towards the humanities requirement
KINKinesology231ApprovedOnly a maximum of 3 credits of KIN course will be approved to apply towards the humanities requirement
KINKinesology232Not Approved
KORNKorean102ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
KORNKorean200ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
KORNKorean301ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
KORNKorean302ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
LASOLaw and Society204Approved
LASTLatin American Studies100Approved
LATNLatin101ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
LATNLatin102ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
LATNLatin201ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
LATNLatin202ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
LFSLand & Food Sciences ANYNot approved
LFSLand & Food Sciences 402Approved
LINGLinguistics170Not Approved
LINGLinguistics209Not approved
LINGLinguistics333Not approved
LLEDLanguage and Literacy Education200Not approved
LLEDLanguage and Literacy Education201Not approved
LLEDLanguage and Literacy Education402Approved
MDIAMedia Studies100Not approved
Medieval Studies 210Approved
MECHMechanical410TNot approved
MECHMechanical410UNot approved
MESThe Middle East: Critical Questions and Debates300Approved
MINEMining470ApprovedEffective 2021W, MINE 470 may be used as a humanities elective. Open to students in years 3 and above. MINE 470 will no longer be acceptable as a technical elective for any of our programs.
MINEMining 497ENot approved
MUSCMusic103Not approved
MUSCMusic109Not approved
MUSCMusic119Not approved
MUSCMusic156ANot approved
MUSCMusic156BNot approved
MUSCMusic165BNot Approved
MUSCMusic225Not approved
NESTNear Eastern Studies301Approved
NESTNear Eastern Studies303Approved
NESTNear Eastern Studies312Approved
PERSPersian100ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
PERSPersian104ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
PERSPersian300ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
PERSPersian301ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
PERSPersian401ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
PERSPersian451ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
PHARPharmaceutical Sciences402Approved
PHILPhilosophy125Not approved
PHILPhilosophy220Not approved
PHILPhilosophy321Not approved
PHILPhilosophy360ApprovedAlso cross-listed as HIST 393
PHILPhilosophy371ApprovedAlso cross-listed as ASIA 371
PHILPhilosophy405Not approved
PHIL Philosophy405Approved
PHIL Philosophy470Approved
PLANCommunity and Regional Planning211Approved**Cannot be double counted towards impact and humanities
PLANCommunity and Regional Planning221Not approved
PLANCommunity and Regional Planning321Approved
PLANCommunity and Regional Planning331Approved
PLANCommunity and Regional Planning341Not approved
PLANCommunity and Regional Planning351Approved
PLANCommunity and Regional Planning425Approved
POLIPolitical Science100Approved
POLIPolitical Science101Approved
POLIPolitical Science110Approved
POLIPolitical Science110Approved
POLIPolitical Science220Approved
POLIPolitical Science240Approved
POLIPolitical Science260Approved
POLIPolitical Science307Approved
POLIPolitical Science324AApproved
POLIPolitical Science333Approved
POLIPolitical Science361ANot approved
POLIPolitical Science362Approved
POLIPolitical Science369BApproved
POLSPolish300ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
POLSPolish426ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
PORTPortuguese101ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
PORTPortuguese102ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
PORTPortuguese201ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
PORTPortuguese202ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
PSYCPsychology100ApprovedAdvanced Credits
PSYCPsychology216Not approved
PSYCPsychology217Not approved
PSYCPsychology218Not approved
PSYCPsychology278Not approved
PSYCPsychology304Not approved
PSYCPsychology366Not approved
PUNJPunjabi100ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
PUNJPunjabi102ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
PUNJPunjabi200ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
PUNJPunjabi300ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
RADSInterdisciplinary Radiology301Not Approved
RELGReligious Studies101Approved
RELGReligious Studies306Approved
RELGReligious Studies307Approved
RELGReligious Studies311Approved
RELGReligious Studies327Approved
RGLAReligion, Literature and The ArtsANYNot yet assessedIf you are interested in a course with this code, please contact EAS.
RMSTRomance Studies202Approved
RUSSRussian100ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
RUSSRussian101ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
RUSSRussian102ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
RUSSRussian112ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
RUSSRussian200ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
RUSSRussian201ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
RUSSRussian202ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
RUSSRussian301ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
RUSSRussian302ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
SANSSanskritANYNot yet assessedIf you are interested in a course with this code, please contact EAS.
SANSSanskrit300ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
SANSSanskrit301ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
SCIEScience113Not approved
SEALSoutheast Asian LanguagesANYNot yet assessedIf you are interested in a course with this code, please contact EAS.
SLAVSlavic StudiesANYNot yet assessedIf you are interested in a course with this code, please contact EAS.
SOALSouth Asian LanguagesANYNot yet assessedIf you are interested in a course with this code, please contact EAS.
SOCISociology217Not approved
SOCISociology328Not approved
SOCISociology418Not approved
SOWKSocial Work200Approved
SPANSpanish101ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
SPANSpanish102ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
SPANSpanish103ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
SPANSpanish200ApprovedAP credits. A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
SPANSpanish201ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
SPANSpanish202ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
SPANSpanish203ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
SPANSpanish206ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
SPANSpanish207ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
SPANSpanish301ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
SPANSpanish308ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
SPANSpanish401ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
SPANSpanish404ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
SPPHSchool of Population and Health381ENot approved
STATStatisticsANYNot approved
SWAHSwahili101ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
SWAHSwahili102ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
SWEDSwedish100ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
THTRTheatre130Not approved
THTRTheatre230Not approved
THTRTheatre250Not approved
THTRTheatreANYPlease see notesNo studio or performance courses will be approved. For all other course types, please contact EAS for assessment.
TIBTTibetan Languages100ApprovedA maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement.
UKRNUkrainianANYNot yet assessedIf you are interested in a course with this code, please contact EAS.
URSTUrban Studies200Approved
VISAVisual ArtsANYNot approved
WRDSWriting and Research in the Disciplines250Approved
WRDSWriting and Research in the Disciplines360Approved

Common Questions

The course I want to take isn’t on the list. How do I get it approved?

The list above is not exhaustive and is subject to change. If you have taken, or want to take a course you feel meets the course eligibility requirements please Contact Us and include a copy of the course syllabus. You can obtain the syllabus by contacting the professor or department for the course.

If you have already taken the course you need to include the course syllabus from the time you took the course.

Please note that reviewing course eligibility can take 2-4 weeks.

What course is popular or recommended to take?

Choose your courses carefully and strategically by thinking about your interests and strengths. The humanities requirements can help you develop useful skills outside of your major and is an opportunity for you to explore areas outside of your core engineering courses. We encourage you to explore our list above and the UBC course schedule for subject areas that you may have not considered. The UBC course schedule can also be found via your Workday Student account, please see the Viewing the course schedule tutorial for how to navigate to the course schedule from your Workday account.

If you are considering a Minor in Arts, Commerce, or Entrepreneurship, you could use this opportunity to take a course that fulfills both requirements. For example, if you are considering a Minor in Commerce, ECON 101 and 102 would satisfy the Engineering Humanities and Social Sciences elective as well as one of the Minor in Commerce courses.

Most students choose to take introductory (100 level) courses in an area they are interested in, such as ECON, LING, PSYC, or a language.

A course I took previously is now listed as “not approved”. What should I do?

Specific courses may have been approved up to a certain date. Please contact us if you feel that a course should be eligible towards your degree requirements but isn’t reflected on your academic progress report (APR).

My course is approved but isn’t showing correctly in my academic progress report. Does this mean it’s not actually approved?

Your APR will be updated to reflect your credits taken against your academic requirements in the coming months.