Academic Policies Impacted by COVID 19 (2019 Winter Term 2)

All the information below only pertains to 2019 Winter Term 2 courses, and their consequence for students in the Bachelor of Applied Science. This page is live for the benefit of current students who took courses in the 2019 Winter Term, however some terms and links may now be inaccurate.

For information regarding courses in other sessions, please refer to our general website.

Q: When will my request for Cr/D/F or a late withdrawal be processed?

A: Cr/D/F or a late withdrawal will be reflected on your academic record by the end of May. This timeline may extend if there is a great number of requests due to the manual process of updating each student record, course-by-course. ESS will prioritize the requests from students who are scheduled to graduate in May.

Q: How is Cr/D/F used?

A: You can submit a request for a Cr/D/F through the online form on our Academic Concession page under Grades Options Due to COVID-19. One form per course. Your record will show a course standing of Cr (55% or higher), D (50 to 54.9%), or F (less than 50%) instead of a % grade. Students with Cr or D will receive credit for the course, while students with F standing will not.

You can use your average calculator to help make an informed decision.

Q: What if my grades are not out yet?

A: The form has been extended until May 8th, 11:59 pm PST. Students will not be disadvantaged. If a grade is still unavailable by May 8th, 9:00 pm PST, please contact us and ESS will be in touch. You will not need to provide documentation. ESS will be able to identify when the grade has been submitted. If your grade is available before 9:00 pm PST, students will be expected to submit the request through the Grading Options Form (now closed) by the deadline.

Q: Which courses can I apply Cr/D/F?

A: You can apply Cr/D/F on 2019 Winter Session, Term 2-only courses with the exception of capstone courses.

Q: Is there a limit in the number of Cr/D/F?

A: No. You can request any number of Cr/D/F.

Q: Does Cr/D/F apply to only engineering courses?

A: Cr/D/F will apply to courses, engineering (e.g. APSC, CIVL) and non-engineering (e.g. COMM, PHYS), as long as you are registered as a BASc student in 2019W.

Q: Will Cr/D/F meet pre-requisites?

A: Cr or D will meet pre-requisites.

Q: How will Cr or D meet a course pre-requisite that requires a minimum % grade?

A: There is no % grade recorded on your academic record when you opt for Cr/D/F in a course. Most courses do not require a minimum % grade other than receiving credit in the pre-requisite. If a course requires a minimum % grade in a pre-requisite, it is up to the course department whether you have fulfilled the course pre-requisite.

Q: How will a request for a late course withdrawal, after the final grade has been posted, be reflected on my record?

A: The W course standing will replace the % grade in the course.

Q: Can I change my mind after I’ve requested a Cr/D/F or late withdrawal and switch back to a % grade?

A: No. Once you have opted for Cr/D/F or a late withdrawal, your request is final. The exception is a future application (i.e. medical or grad school) which may require a % grade.

Q: Will I be able to make a request for Cr/D/F or a late withdrawal if my instructor has submitted a grade change if I have not done so?

A: Yes. If the grade change is already reflected on your academic record, you may submit a request through the request form on the Academic Concession page until the May 8 deadline. After this date, you may submit a request through our Contact Form.

Q: Will I be able to withdraw my request for Cr/D/F or a late withdrawal if my instructor has submitted a grade change?

A: Once a submission has been made for Cr/D/F or a late withdrawal, the request is final. We will, however, consider a request to withdrawal due to a grade change. Please submit a request through our Contact Form.

Q: How will Cr/D/F affect my application for an option in a program (e.g. Mechatronics in Mechanical Engineering)?

A: You will not be disadvantaged by selecting Cr/D/F. Under the university's Senate policy, Cr/D/F standing will not be used towards the calculation of a weighted average. The department may use additional supporting documentation (e.g. cover letter, resume, etc.) and/or an interview that are required in the application in their evaluation process.

Q: What is the 2nd Year Placement form submission deadline?

A: The deadline for the 2nd Year Placement form has been extended to May 22, 11:59pm PST.

Q: Are there changes to the personal statement?

A: For this year only, you will have the opportunity to provide greater detail in your personal statement (800 word limit). Specifically, you will be encouraged to write about your top 2 choices and will also have the opportunity to address any challenges you feel would be important in the consideration of your file.

If you have already submitted your placement request form, you are asked to resubmit to include these additional details.

Q: How many credits will I need to be eligible for placement?

A: You must still meet the standard requirement for promotion to second year including the minimum 27 credits successfully completed from the first year curriculum by April 30. If you have received Cr or D from the Cr/D/F grading policy, these credits will be applied.

Q: How will Cr/D/F affect the placement average?

A:  Cr/D/F does not affect the placement average. You will receive either Cr, D or F on the course. This means that if you have opted for Cr/D/F in any of your Term 2 courses, they will not be calculated in the average.

Q: What happens if I have sought a course withdrawal?

A: Course withdrawal (W standing) will not affect the average and will not count towards the (minimum) 27 credits from the first year requirements.

Q: How will placement be determined?

A: Your placement will be considered from a combination of your 2019 Winter Session average and the personal statement. Your placement average is calculated on the Term 1 and Term 2 courses with a % grade.

Q: As an Undeclared Status second year student, how is my placement determined with Cr/D/F?

A: Your placement will be considered from a combination of your 2019 Winter Session average, on courses with a % grade, and the personal statement.

Q: When will I be notified of my placement?

A: You will be notified of your placement in early July, prior to the registration open date for second year registration.

Q: How will Cr/D/F affect my academic standing in the engineering program?

A: The academic standing is calculated on the 2019W courses with a % grade to determine whether you will be in good standing, on academic probation or on a failed year standing. See the Academic Standing and Promotion Requirements section of Applied Science in the Academic Calendar for details. This means that Cr (credit), D or F will not be used in the calculation of your 2019W sessional average.

Q: How will Cr/D/F or course withdrawal affect my continuation if I am currently on academic probation?

A: If you are on academic probation and you were required to maintain (minimum) 24 registered credits in 2019W, a Cr/D/F course will count towards these credits. However, a course withdrawal (W standing), will not. Additionally, students on probation from Year 1 must maintain a 2019 Winter Session average of 60%, and students on probation from second year and higher must maintain 55%, on % graded courses to clear probation otherwise it will result in a failed year standing. The 2019 Winter Session will be calculated on the Term 1 and Term 2 courses with a % grade.

Q: How will Cr/D/F affect my year level promotion in the engineering program?

A: In order to advance to the next year level, you must have successfully completed at least 80% of the lower level requirements. Cr or D will be applied.

Q: How will a failed year appeal be evaluated?

A: An appeal following a failed year is reviewed by the faculty’s Academic Committee. See Failed Year section of EAS’ Academic Standing for details. For this year only, you can also address the impact from COVID-19 that resulted in a failed year standing in the appeal if you feel they are relevant for the committee’s consideration. The online appeal form will be released June 1 to 15.

Q: How will a request for interdepartmental transfer be considered?

A: A request for an interdepartmental transfer is considered by the program of choice. The success to move from one engineering program to another is subject to a number of conditions including space in the program, a statement of intent and your academic history (a copy of your academic record will be included for the program’s review). For this year only, you can address the impact from COVID-19 on your academics in the statement of intent if you feel they are relevant for the review committee. The deadline for the form has been extended to May 22nd.

Q: Will I be considered Cr/D/F or a late withdrawal for a Term 1 course which was granted a SD exam scheduled to be completed at a later date?

A: No. A request for Cr/D/F or late withdrawal applies to Term 2-only courses.

Q: Will I be considered for Cr/D/F or a late withdrawal for a Term 2 course which was granted a SD exam scheduled to be completed at a later date?

A: Yes. A request for Cr/D/F or a late withdrawal will be extended until the grade is available after the completion of the exam.

Q: Am I eligible for a supplemental exam if I have received an F (failed) course standing under the Cr/D/F grading policy?

A: No. A supplemental exam (SUPP) will be considered on eligible 400-level engineering courses in which the final course grade presents 40 to 49.9%. Cr/D/F does not include a % grade. You do not need to request for a SUPP exam. We will automatically review your eligibility. An S course standing will be reflected on your academic record if you have been approved to write a SUPP exam.

Q: Am I eligible for a Cr/D/F or a late withdrawal if I fail the supplemental exam?

A: No. The original failed grade, not the SUPP grade, is the one calculated into the average and on which the SUPP exam was granted. A SUPP exam is a concession that provides a second attempt on the final exam to pass the course without having to re-take the course. Your academic record will include both the original and the SUPP grade.

Q: How does Cr/D/F impact the evaluation of the Dean's Honour List?

Students will receive a notation of Dean's Honour List on their academic record calculated on a sessional average of at least 80% while taking 27 or more credits with %  graded credits in the 2019 Winter Session.

Q: How does Cr/D/F impact the evaluation of the Degree with Distinction?

A: You will be granted a Degree with Distinction upon graduation if you achieve an overall average of at least 80% on all 200-level and higher courses with % grades while registered in the BASc program.