Workday Student: Information for Engineering Students (Vancouver Campus)

You may be aware that UBC is changing student administrative systems. In May 2024, you will gain access to a new student system as UBC transitions away from the Student Service Centre (SSC) to a system called Workday Student. UBC is making this important change to bring a renewed, reliable, and secure student information system in support of UBC’s academic mission.  

With the updated system will come changes for how you use the system and the information it provides.  This page will be updated with information and updates specific to Engineering students.

Workday Basics 

Step-by-step instructions on how to move through key tasks in Workday Student like registration, paying tuition, and viewing grades are available below:

Degree Navigator and Academic Progress Reports 

The new tool replacing Degree Navigator is the Academic Progression Report (APR) available to you in Workday Student. The APR contains up to date degree requirements for your program, but we are currently updating all APRs to ensure your academic record is up to date. Please do not rely on the APR until further notice from EAS or your program.  Once your courses are correctly mapped to the requirements on the APR, you will be notified.  We expect to finish checking all APRs during the 2024 Winter Session.  

Degree Navigator will be available until August 2024, but after that, you will not have access.  We suggest you save or print your Degree Navigator Report. Registration for the 2024 Winter session will occur in Workday Student. Your 2024 Winter Session courses will not appear on Degree Navigator, and 2024W versions of programs are also not available in Degree Navigator.  

Academic Progress Wheel

You will notice a “wheel” at the top of your APR that marks degree completion. This wheel counts the number of “requirements”, not courses. For example, you are required to complete 6 credits of complimentary studies throughout your degree, which is listed as a single requirement. Once all 6 credits are completed, that requirement will be marked “Satisfied”, and the wheel will advance. Some requirements are a single course, and other requirements represent a group of courses, but the wheel only advances when you have completed the full requirement.

The wheel for co-op completion is currently not configured and so it will always read that zero requirements have been completed. The co-op office tracks the completion of co-op requirements for the co-op designation in PD Portal (APSC co-op students) or Scope (ENPH co-op students), as it has in the past.

Year 2 through 5 Students

We are currently working on updating the requirements in the APR to ensure your courses are accurately being applied to the APR. For now, please do not rely on the APR for course planning, and instead refer to the registration guides or check lists provided by your program to guide your registration. If you are a newly admitted transfer student, please use your transfer credit summary as a guide to show which courses you have satisfied. We expect to finish checking all APRs during the 2024 Winter Session.  

First Year Students

The requirements in your APR will be accurate, but if you have transfer credit it may not be applying to your record yet. We will be updating your APR over the coming months. In the meantime, you will be registered in your core Engineering courses (information sent out via email). For PBME students your APR will not show your BMEG courses in term 2, however you will be registered in a PBME timetable, and your APR will be updated to show how you meet the first-year requirements 

Class Standing (Year Level)

When you look at Workday Student, you will see that your student record shows a Class Standing.  For Engineering students, this will be a number between 1-4, or 1-5 for students in Engineering Physics.  This is your year level.   

The year level that you see in Workday may be different than what you expected. This is because starting in the 2024 Winter Session, Engineering has changed progression requirements.  Your year level is now based on a total credit count, including credits transferred into UBC.  You can see the credits needed for each year level here, under the “Academic Standings and Progression Requirements” heading.    

Year Level and Program Completion  

Your program is based on a set of requirements you must complete.  This has not changed.  To complete your program, you must still complete all degree requirements, as outlined in the UBC calendar.  It is possible that based on the number of credits you have completed, your class standing (year level) is now higher but you still need to complete all requirements in your program. 

Year Level and CO-OP  

It is possible that you may have chosen courses based on a plan to remain eligible for co-op.  If you have been promoted to Year 4 but under the Faculty’s previous promotion rules, you would have been in Year 3, you will still be allowed to apply for the co-op program. More information will be provided in August.   

Year Level and Course Registration  

When you register for courses, you will only be permitted to register for courses for which you meet the pre-requisite.  If the course has a restriction such as “fourth-year standing” and your class standing (year level) is now fourth year, you may technically have access to this course.  However, we strongly encourage you to complete courses in the order of your program.  That is, you should leave courses that require fourth-year standing to the final year of your program.  If you register for courses that are out of sequence, you may be removed from the course.