As a UBC student, you’ll use Workday to complete essential tasks like registering for courses, updating your personal information, paying your tuition, and downloading important documents.
Workday Basics
Step-by-step instructions on how to move through key tasks in Workday Student like registration, paying tuition, and viewing grades are available below:
Academic Progress Reports
The Academic Progress Report (APR) outlines the requirements for your program of study. The APR contains your degree requirements for your engineering program. While we are continuing to ensure your APR is up to date, we recommend that you also refer to the registration guides or check lists provided by your program to guide your degree progression.
Academic Progress Wheel
You will notice a “wheel” at the top of your APR that marks degree completion. This wheel counts the number of “requirements”, not courses. For example, you are required to complete 6 credits of complimentary studies throughout your degree, which is listed as a single requirement. Once all 6 credits are completed, that requirement status will show “Satisfied”, and the wheel will advance. If you have only completed 3 credits, the requirement status will show “In Progress” and the progression wheel will not change. Some APR requirements are a single course, and other requirements represent a group of courses, but the wheel only advances when you have completed the full requirement.
The wheel for co-op completion is currently not configured and so it will always read that zero requirements have been completed. The co-op office tracks the completion of co-op requirements for the co-op designation in PD Portal (APSC co-op students) or Scope (ENPH co-op students), as it has in the past.
Transfer Credit & Registration
If your transfer credits have been given a specific UBC code which matches an APR requirement (MATH_V 100), your APR will automatically apply the course. If you have registered or completed the course at UBC, and you also have transfer credits for the same course, the UBC course will be applied to the APR requirement. If you were to drop the UBC course, the transfer credit would automatically apply.
If you have received transfer credit for a course, and you have received general credit (APSC 1st), or a specific course credit (APSC 150) which is not listed in your APR requirements, the course will not automatically apply to you APR. We are updating everyone’s APR in the 2024 Winter Session. You are welcome to contact us via the EAS Contact Us form if your APR needs updating.
The APR is not linked to your registration. Having your APR updated will not allow you to register for a course, if you don’t have the specific course code listed as a pre-requisite or co-requisite. You will have to go the department who owns the course you are trying to register in and ask them to issue you a registration token. For transfer students, we recommend that you share your transfer credit summary when contacting the department, as it will be evidence that you have satisfied any pre-requisite or co-requisite.
Unused Requirements
You may have courses under the unused requirements, and you can see these by clicking the hyperlinked number. There are a number of reasons why a course you are registered in or have completed may not automatically apply to your APR. This may include transfer credits – where the UBC credit does not give you the exact UBC course code for the APR requirement, UBC courses that are not listed as an APR requirement, failed or repeated courses, and coop courses. These courses need to be manually applied to your APR, and you are welcome to contact us via the EAS Contact Us form if your APR needs updating.
Why aren’t my transfer credits applying to my APR?
If you have general transfer credits (HIST 1st) or you have a UBC course code that does not match the APR requirement course code, the APR will not automatically apply the course to the requirement.
If you are a first year student with Advanced Credit, we recommend you check with our advance credit table to see if your transfer credit applies to the first year requirement.
If you are a transfer student, please use your transfer credit summary to see how your transfer credits apply. For more information, please review the transfer credits information on the EAS website.
You are welcome to contact us via the EAS Contact Us form if your APR needs updating.
My APR is up to date, but I can’t register in a course and the APR says I have the pre-requisite.
If your transfer credits are not an exact match to the UBC course code, then you probably have had an advisor update your APR and have added a course to satisfy a course requirement (override). Having a course requirement overridden to satisfy or waive the APR requirement, does not impact your ability to register. Workday is looking for the exact course code on your record to match with the pre- or co-requisite. Only having a registration token, issued by the department who owns the course, will enable you to self-register in the course. For example, if you are trying to register in a course coded CPEN you would have to contact the Electrical and Computer Engineering department. Here are the contacts for our Engineering departments.
My Minor APR is empty or courses aren’t applying correctly – What should I do?
A few of the minors are in the process of being developed. When you go to your minor, and it may be empty and shows no course requirements, for example the minor in entrepreneurship.
You may have taken courses that don’t appear in your minor APR or you are unsure of which courses to register for in the 24 Winter Session. If you have any questions about the progression of your minor, please speak to an Engineering Advisor.