Advanced Credit (AP, IB or A-Level)

If you have completed university-level courses while in high school, you may be able to receive advanced credits. Find out which AP, IB or A-Level courses are eligible for first-year credits at UBC.

How to apply AP, IB or A-Level credits to the BASc Program 

It is recommended that you complete the Chemistry, Math and Physics courses in the first year even if you have received advanced credits from AP, IB or A-Level for these courses. The first-year engineering program is designed to build a strong foundation and enable your success in your upper-level courses. 

If you proceed and complete a course with a final grade for which you have already received credits from AP, IB or A-Level, the UBC attempt will supersede the credits granted from AP, IB or A-Level.  

If you decide to proceed and drop a course from your timetable after having received UBC credits from AP, IB or A-Level, you do not need to do anything further. The credits will apply automatically towards your degree requirements where applicable. A percentage grade is not assigned to these credits.

For Program placement the average is calculated on courses attempted at UBC in the Winter Session only. Your AP, IB or A-Level credits will apply to the number of credits you have, to determine your eligibility to be promoted to a second year standing. 


  • Do not drop courses from your timetable until you see the credits on your Workday Student Transfer Credit page. You have until the course drop deadline to drop courses without a Withdrawal (‘W’) standing on your academic record 

Advanced Credit Type High School SubjectMinimum ScoreUBC Course Granted (Including Credits)Credits Applied to APSCAPSC Requirement Covered
International Baccalaureate (IB)Afrikaans A or B HL5ARTS 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Afrikaans A SL5ARTS 1st (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Social and Cultural Anthropology HL5ANTH 100 (3) and ANTH 1st (3)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Arabic B HL5ARBC 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Arabic A: Literature SL5ARBC 1st (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Arabic A: Language and Literature HL5ARBC 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Biology HL6BIOL 1st-year level (8), with exemption from BIOL 111, BIOL121, and BIOL 180Not applicableNone
International Baccalaureate (IB)Burmese A or B HL5ARTS 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Burmese A SL5ARTS 1st (3)3Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Business Management HL5COMM 1st (3)Not applicableNone
International Baccalaureate (IB)Chemistry HL6CHEM 121 (4)4Covers 1st Year Chemistry requirement: CHEM 121, exemption from CHEM 154. Except Biomedical Engineering* is recommended to take at UBC
International Baccalaureate (IB)Chinese A HL5CHIN 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Chinese B HL5CHIN 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Computer Science HL6CPSC 1st (3)Not applicableNone
International Baccalaureate (IB)Design Technology HL5ARTS 1st (6)Not applicableNone
International Baccalaureate (IB)Dutch B HL5ARTS 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Economics HL5ECON 1st (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)English Literature A HL5ENGL 1st (6)63 credits towards the Humanities requirement & 3 credits towards the WRDS 150B requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Film HL5ARTS 1st (6)Not applicableNone
International Baccalaureate (IB)Filipino B HL5ARTS 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)French B HL5FREN 301 (3) and FREN 302 (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)French Literature A HL5FREN 311 (3) and FREN 3rd-year level (3)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)French A SL5FREN 301 (3) and FREN 302 (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)French Language and Literature A HL5FREN 401 (3) and FREN 402 (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Geography HL6GEOG 1st (6)Not applicableNone
International Baccalaureate (IB)German A HL5GERN 201(3) and GERN 202 (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)German A SL5GERN 201 (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)German B HL5GERN 102 (3) and GERN 201 (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Global Politics HL5POLI 1st (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Georgian A: Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Georgian A: Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Georgian A: Language and Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Georgian B: Language and Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Classical Languages: Greek HL5GREK 201 (3) and GREK 202 (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Classical Languages: Greek SL5GREK 201(3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)History HL5HIST 1st (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Icelandic A: Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Icelandic A: Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Icelandic A: Language and Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Icelandic A: Language and Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Islamic History HL5RELG 1st (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Indonesian B HL5INDO 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Italian A or B HL5ITAL 202 (3) and ITAL 2nd (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)IB Info Tech/Global Society HL6CPSC 1st (3)Not applicableNone
International Baccalaureate (IB)Italian A SL5ITAL 202 (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Japanese A HL5JAPN 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Japanese A SL5JAPN 1st (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Japanese B HL5JAPN 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Korean A: Literature HL5KORN 1st (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Korean A SL5KORN 1st (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Korean A: Language and Literature HL5KORN 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Korean B HL5KORN 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Lao A: Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Lao A: Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Lao A: Language and Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Lao A: Language and Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Classical Languages: Latin HL5LATN 201 (3) and LATN 2nd-year level (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Classical Languages: Latin SL5LATN 201 (3) 3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)English Literature A SLNo creditNot applicableNone
International Baccalaureate (IB)English Language and Literature A HL5ENGL 1st (6)63 credits towards the Humanities requirement & 3 credits towards the WRDS 150B requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Malay A: Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Malay A: Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Malay A: Language and Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Malay A: Language and Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Math Analysis and Approaches HL6MATH 100 (3) & MATH 101 (3)6MATH 100 (3) & MATH 101 (3) * is recommended to take at UBC
International Baccalaureate (IB)Mandarin A: Literature HL5CHIN 1st (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Mandarin A: Literature SL5CHIN 1st (3)3Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Mandarin A: Language and Literature HL5CHIN 1st 6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Mandarin A: Language and Literature SL5CHIN 1st (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Mongolian A: Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Mongolian A: Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Mongolian A: Language and Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Mongolian A: Language and Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Norwegian A: Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Norwegian A: Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Norwegian A: Language and Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Norwegian A: Language and Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Philosophy HL5PHIL 100 (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Physics HL6PHYS 100 (3) and PHYS 1st (3), exemption from PHYS 101Not applicableNone
International Baccalaureate (IB)Physics SL6PHYS 100 (3)Not applicableNone
International Baccalaureate (IB)Polish A: Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Polish A: Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Polish A: Language and Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Polish A: Language and Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Punjabi A: Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Punjabi A: Language and Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Punjabi A: Language and Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Portuguese A or B HL5PORT 202 (3) and PORT 2nd (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Portuguese A SL6PORT 1st (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Psychology HL5PSYC 100 (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Russian A: Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Russian A: Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Russian A: Language and Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Russian A: Language and Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Swahili A: Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Swahili A: Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Swahili A: Language and Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Swahili A: Language and Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Slovak A: Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Slovak A: Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Slovak A: Language and Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Slovak A: Language and Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Spanish B HL5SPAN 201 (3) and SPAN 202 (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Sports, Exercise, and Health Science HL5SCIE 1st (6)Not applicableNone
International Baccalaureate (IB)Spanish Literature A HL5SPAN 221 (3) and SPAN 2nd (3)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Spanish Literature A SL5SPAN 2nd (3), with exemption from SPAN 2023Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Spanish Language and Literature A HL5SPAN 221 (3) and SPAN 222 (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Spanish Language and Literature A SL5SPAN 2nd (3), with exemption from SPAN 2023A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Swedish A: Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Swedish A: Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Swedish A: Language and Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Swedish A: Language and Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Theatre HL5THTR 230 (3) and THTR 1st (3)Not applicableNone
International Baccalaureate (IB)Thai A SL5ARTS 1st (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Thai A: Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Thai A: Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Thai A: Language and Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Thai A: Language and Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Turkish A: Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Turkish A: Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Turkish A: Language and Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Turkish A: Language and Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Turkish HL5ARTS 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Ukrainian A: Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Ukrainian A: Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Ukrainian A: Language and Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Ukrainian A: Language and Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Visual Arts HL5VISA 180 (3) and VISA 1st (3)Not applicableNone
International Baccalaureate (IB)Vietnamese: Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Vietnamese: Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Vietnamese A: Language and Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Vietnamese A: Language and Literature SL5ARTS 1st (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Math Analysis and Approaches SLNot applicableNo creditNot applicableNone
International Baccalaureate (IB)Math Applications and Interpretations SLNot applicableNo creditNot applicableNone
International Baccalaureate (IB)Math Applications and Interpretations HL6MATH 1st (3) Exempt MATH 1043MATH 1st (3), exempt MATH 104 * recommended to take at UBC
International Baccalaureate (IB)Persian A or B HL5ARTS 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Persian A SL5ARTS 1st year level (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Punjabi A or B: Literature HL5ARTS 1st (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
International Baccalaureate (IB)Thai A or B HL5ARTS 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
International Baccalaureate (IB)Theory of KnowledgeA or B PHIL 1st (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
Advanced Placement (AP)2-D Art and Design4VISA 1st (3)Not applicableNone
Advanced Placement (AP)3-D Art and Design4VISA 180 (3)Not applicableNone
Advanced Placement (AP)Art History4ARTH 101 (3) & ARTH 102 (3) 6Humanities and Social Science Elective
Advanced Placement (AP)Biology4BIOL 1st-year level (8), with exemption from BIOL 111, BIOL 121, and BIOL 180Not applicableNone
Advanced Placement (AP)Calculus AB or subscore of AB in Calculus BC4MATH 100 (3)3MATH 100 (3)* is recommended to take at UBC
Advanced Placement (AP)Calculus BC4MATH 100 (3) and MATH 101 (3)6MATH 100 (3) and MATH 101 (3) * is recommended to take at UBC
Advanced Placement (AP)Chemistry4CHEM 121 (4)4Covers 1st Year Chemistry requirement: CHEM 121, exemption from CHEM 154. Except Biomedical Engineering. * is recommended to take at UBC
Advanced Placement (AP)Chinese Language and Culture4CHIN 241 (3) and CHIN 243 (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
Advanced Placement (AP)Computer Science A4CPSC 1st (3)Not applicableNone
Advanced Placement (AP)Computer Science AB4CPSC 111 (4) and CPSC 1st (2)Not applicableNone
Advanced Placement (AP)Computer Science Principles4CPSC 100 (3)Not applicableNone
Advanced Placement (AP)Drawing4VISA 180 (3)Not applicableNone
Advanced Placement (AP)Economics: Macroeconomics4ECON 102 (3); or ECON 1st (3) 3Humanities and Social Science Elective
Advanced Placement (AP)Economics: Microeconomics4ECON 101 (3); or ECON 1st (3) 3Humanities and Social Science Elective
Advanced Placement (AP)English Language and Composition4ENGL 1st (6)63 credits towards the Humanities requirement & 3 credits towards the WRDS 150B requirement
Advanced Placement (AP)English Literature and Composition4ENGL 1st (6)63 credits towards the Humanities requirement & 3 credits towards the WRDS 150B requirement
Advanced Placement (AP)Environmental Science4EOSC 1st (3)Not applicableNone
Advanced Placement (AP)French Language and Culture4FREN 301 (3) and FREN 302 (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
Advanced Placement (AP)French Literature and Culture4FREN 311 (3) and FREN 3rd (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
Advanced Placement (AP)German Language and Culture4GERN 310 (3) and GERN 2nd (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
Advanced Placement (AP)Government and Politics: Comparative4POLI 220 (3)3Humanities and Social Science Elective
Advanced Placement (AP)History: European4HIST 1st (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
Advanced Placement (AP)History: United States4HIST 1st (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
Advanced Placement (AP)Human Geography4GEOG 122 (3) and GEOG 1st (3)3Humanities and Social Science Elective
Advanced Placement (AP)Italian Language and Culture4ITAL 201 (3) and ITAL 202 (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
Advanced Placement (AP)Japanese Language and Culture4JAPN 100 (3) and JAPN 101 (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
Advanced Placement (AP)Latin4LATN 201 (3) and LATN 2nd (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
Advanced Placement (AP)Latin: Vergil4LATN 201 (3) and LATN 2nd (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
Advanced Placement (AP)Music Theory4MUSC 1st (6)Not applicableNone
Advanced Placement (AP)Physics 14No creditNot applicableNone
Advanced Placement (AP)Physics 24PHYS 131 (3)Not applicableNone
Advanced Placement (AP)Physics 1 and Physics 24PHYS 100 (3) and PHYS 101 (3)Not applicableNone
Advanced Placement (AP)Physics C (Electricity and Magnetism)4PHYS 118 (3)3If taken alone can transfer PHYS 118 to cover PHYS 158. Will need to take PHYS 157 and 159.
Advanced Placement (AP)Physics C (Mechanics)4PHYS 117 (3)Not applicableNo credits transfered if taken alone. Will need to take PHYS 157, 158, 159.
Advanced Placement (AP)Physics C (Mechanics) and Physics C (Electricity and Magnetism)4PHYS 117 (3) and PHYS 118(3)6Can cover PHYS 157 and 158. Will need to take PHYS 159.
Advanced Placement (AP)Psychology4PSYC 100 (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
Advanced Placement (AP)Spanish Language and Culture4SPAN 201 (3) and SPAN 202 (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
Advanced Placement (AP)Spanish Literature and Culture4SPAN 221 (3) and SPAN 222 (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
Advanced Placement (AP)Statistics4STAT 200 (3)3STAT 200 (3)
Advanced Placement (AP)United States Government and Politics4POLI 1st (3)3Humanities and Social Science Elective
Advanced Placement (AP)World History: Modern4HIST 1st (3)3Humanities and Social Science Elective
A-Level AccountingA or BCOMM 293 (3)Not applicableNone
A-Level BiologyA or BBIOL 1st (8), with exemption from BIOL 111, BIOL 121, and BIOL 180Not applicableNone
A-Level Business StudiesA or BCOMM 1st (3)Not applicableNone
A-Level ChemistryA or BCHEM 120 (3) and CHEM 115 (1), and CHEM 130 (3) and CHEM 135 (1)8Covers 1st Year Chemistry requirement: CHEM 154 or CHEM 121 and CHEM 123; * is recommended to take at UBC
A-LevelChineseA or BCHIN 1st (6)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
A-Level Computer ScienceA or BCPSC 1st (6)Not applicableNone
A-Level EconomicsA or BECON 101 (3) and ECON 102 (3)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
A-Level FrenchA or BFREN 301 (3) and FREN 302 (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
A-Level GermanyA or BGERM 210 (3) and GERM 2nd (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement
A-Level Islamic StudiesA or BRELG 1st (3)3Humanities and Social Science Elective
A-Level Literature (English)A or BENGL 110 (3) and ENGL 1st (3)63 credits towards the Humanities requirement & 3 credits towards the WRDS 150B requirement
A-Level MathematicsA or BNo creditNot applicableNone
A-Level Mathematics (Applied)A or BNo creditNot applicableNone
A-Level Mathematics (Further)A or BMATH 100 (3) and MATH 101 (3)6MATH 100 (3) and MATH 101 (3) * is recommended to take at UBC
A-Level PhysicsA or BPHYS 100 (3) and PHYS 101 (3)Not applicableNone
A-Level PsychologyA or BPSYC 1st (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
A-Level SociologyA or BSOCI 100 (6)6Humanities and Social Science Elective
A-Level SpanishA or BSPAN 201 (3) and SPAN 202 (3)3A maximum of 3 credits of language courses can be used towards the humanities requirement