Readmission to UBC

Visit Academic Standing for details on how the failed year standing is determined.

Returning After a Failed Year (Not Currently Registered)

Students who have been required to withdraw because of a failed year and will have been out of the program for 12 months or more must submit their application for readmission through the Applicant Service Centre (ASC) no later than April 30 in the year in which they wish to resume studies. The earliest a student may be readmitted is 12 months after being required to withdraw due to a failed year. Readmission is not guaranteed.

Readmission application process

Students must apply for readmission through their Applicant Service Centre (ASC) by April 30 in the year they wish to return to their studies. Please note that you will not be able to attach documents when you are submitting your application. You will have an opportunity to submit your documentation after you have submitted your readmission application.

Once you have submitted your readmission application, UBC Admissions will reach out to you to complete your application, which includes documentation uploading. You will have until May 15 to submit your supporting documentation (including your appeal letter), which you can upload you’re your application in the Applicant Service Centre (ASC).

In addition to the readmission application, students are required to submit the following:

  • An Appeal Letter
    • Attached to the application on ASC
  • Supporting documentation (if applicable)
    • Attached to the application on ASC
  • An official transcript (if courses have been taken at another institution)
    • Submitted directly to the Undergraduate Admissions Office at
  • Reference letters if you have been working
    • Reference letters should be on company letterhead and include:
      • the referee’s job title and contact information
      • the referee’s relationship to you
      • your job title
      • dates of employment
      • an outline of the nature of your work responsibilities
      • a statement of whether job expectation has been fulfilled

For your appeal letter:

  • Be concise. No more than two pages (single space) typed summary addressing:
    • the extenuating circumstances that impacted your academic performance
    • how you are addressing or have addressed the extenuating circumstances
    • the support(s) and resource(s) you have sought and utilized
    • a detailed plan on how you will achieve academic success when you return
  • Include (if any) relevant documentation in support of the grounds for your appeal1,2,3. It is highly encouraged to include supporting documentation to provide evidence for the grounds on which you are basing your appeal for review. If documentation is not included but is requested by the Academic Committee to help in their review, it may result in a delay of the review and you will be contacted by EAS to provide documentation:
    • medical documentation can include a letter from a physician, counselor, or medical practitioner that outlines the progress of treatment, and a statement on your readiness to return to studies, and other recommendations that can help support your return,
    • any other supporting documents that are directly related to the circumstances

1If you are or have been supported by the Centre for Accessibility (CfA) and have identified their support in your appeal, you will not need to include a letter from your accessibility advisor. We may reach out to CfA to confirm documentation has been received and to request their recommendation for support if your appeal is successful.

Documentation submitted will only be seen by the Academic Committee and EAS administration staff for the purpose of reviewing the appeal.

3All supporting documentation needs to be in English

How your readmission application will be evaluated

The Faculty of Applied Science’s Academic Committee convenes in the summer to review appeals on academic standing. In their consideration, they are seeking evidence of your preparedness to return to the academic rigours of the program.  As such, they will be evaluating the extenuating circumstances that affected your academic performance, your plan to achieve success, and evidence that the extenuating circumstances which impacted your academic performance have been resolved or managed.

The Academic Committee meets twice in the summer. You will be informed of the Academic Committee’s decision by email within 7 to 10 business days after the committee has reviewed your appeal.

Failed Year Standing Appeal – Currently Registered Students

Refer to Academic Standing and Probation for details about appealing a Failed Year Standing.

Readmission after Academic Leave

Please refer to the Academic Leave page for information about returning from an academic leave.