UBC Internal Transfer Credit

UBC -V Faculty Transfer

UBC-V students in different faculties can apply for the BASc degree program by submitting a request through the change of degree application.  

If you enter the BASc program with 27 credits or more, which can be applied towards the 37 credits of the first-year engineering program, you will be placed into 2nd year. You will also need complete the Second Year Placement Form and go through the competitive placement process to enter the specialized engineering program. If you have been admitted with less than 27 credits which can be applied towards the first-year engineering program, you will be placed into 1st Year.  

Please refer to the First Year Engineering Equivalent Transfer Credits chart to determine how your UBC credits can be applied towards BASc program. 

UBC Science One Program

If you have successfully completed SCIE 001 in UBC’s Science One program, you will receive an exemption for CHEM 154, MATH 100, MATH 101, PHYS 157, PHYS 158 and PHYS 159.

UBC-O School of Engineering to UBC-V Engineering

Students who are currently attending first-year at the UBC-O School of Engineering and are eligible for 2nd year standing at the end of their first year (completed between 27 – 36 credits of the first year BASc-O Engineering curriculum), can apply to join the UBC-V BASc program using the Second Year Placement Form.  

All other UBC-O students who are seeking a transfer to the UBC-V engineering program will need to complete the change of change of degree/change of campus application on the Applicant Service Centre (ASC) by the application deadline and must meet the competitive average for admission.  

The following table outlines the first-year requirements for UBC-V Engineering program. If you have completed the following courses from UBC-O School of Engineering, you may be exempt from some courses. 

UBC Vancouver
First-Year Engineering
UBC Okanagan
First-Year Engineering
APSC 100 & APSC 101APSC 169 & APSC 171
APSC 160APSC 177
CHEM 154APSC 182 & APSC 183
MATH 100APSC 172
MATH 101APSC 173
MATH 152APSC 179
PHYS 157, 158 & 159APSC 178 & APSC 182
PHYS 170APSC 180 & APSC 181
WRDS 150APSC 176
Humanities and Social Science ElectiveSee Complementary Studies for details.

If you have been awarded transfer credits towards your UBC-O BASc program, and subsequently change campus, your transfer credits will be reassessed for the UBC-V BASc program. 

If you have completed additional courses to the UBC-O first-year engineering program, or you are transferring from another UBC-O faculty, please submit a Request for Assessment of Transfer Credits form via the link below, to see how your credits may apply to the UBC-V BASc program. 

Use the UBC Academic Calendar to check your program requirements and view the Course Descriptions to see if there is a high level of overlap in content between what you have studied previously and the UBC course. 

A transfer credit assessment request can take between 6 – 8 weeks to complete from the time you submitted the request, to when you are notified of the outcome. In the meantime, you will need to register for the courses you have requested transfer credits, in case the assessment is not successful. You will have until the course drop deadline to modify your registration.