View Your Transfer Credits
If you are a current UBC student and have been awarded transfer credits, you can view your transfer credits on your Workday Student account, following the pathway below. The exception are students who held a degree prior to entering UBC Engineering (see Prior Degree Holder information below).
From your Workday Student account > Academics > Transfer Credits
AP, IB or A-Level credits are added to your Workday Student account in late summer. If your transfer credits have not yet been added by Enrolment Services, review the First-year Credit page to see which UBC credits you will receive when they are added to your academic record.
Transfer Credits and Sessional Average
Grades from advanced or transfer credits will be used to determine your year level standing and counted towards your degree requirements. They will NOT be used in any UBC GPA calculations after entering the program. For example, Program Placement or consideration for the Engineering Co-op Program will not use the grades from transfer credits.
If you enter the BASc program in year 2 or above, your admission average will be used for the Program Placement process or admission to the Engineering Co-op Program. You will also be required to go through these applications immediately upon admission.
Retaking Courses and Transfer Credits Forfeiture
If you retake a course at UBC for which you have received advanced credits from AP, IB, or A-Level, or have received transfer credits from another post-secondary institution, you may forfeit the advanced or transfer credits.
For post-secondary transfer credits, some departments may not permit registration in a course for which you have already received credits.
It is your responsibility to ensure you meet all your program requirements, including courses which you have not received advanced or transfer credits.
General Credits and Transfer Credit Assessment Request
If you have received general transfer credits (i.e. APSC 1st, MATH 2nd), you can request an assessment to determine if these credits can be applied to your degree requirements via the link below.
Use the UBC Academic Calendar to check your program requirements and view the Course Descriptions to see if there is a high level of overlap in content between what you have studied previously and the UBC course.
A transfer credit assessment request can take between 6 – 8 weeks to complete from the time you submitted the request, to when you are notified of the outcome. In the meantime, you will need to register for the courses you have requested transfer credits, in case the assessment is not successful. You will have until the course drop deadline to modify your registration.