Course Planning

Use this information to confirm your Degree Requirements, review your core courses, and choose your humanities and social sciences elective. Visit the UBC Course Schedule to browse courses, or view courses on Workday to add courses to a saved schedule, or to register for courses.

First Year Program


The first-year engineering program consists of a timetable which contains the core engineering, math, chemistry and physics courses, a 3 credit Humanities and Social Science elective, and a 3 credit English/Communication course. Click here for Pre-Biomedical PBME timetables information.

A maximum of 3 credits in a language course can be used towards your degree requirements.

CourseCreditTitleIncluded in the timetable?
APSC 1003Introduction to Engineering IYes
APSC 1013Introduction to Engineering IIYes
APSC 1603Introduction to Computation in Engineering DesignYes
CHEM 1543Chemistry for EngineeringYes
MATH 1003Differential CalculusYes
MATH 1013Integral CalculusYes
MATH 1523Linear SystemsYes
PHYS 1573Introductory Physics for Engineers IYes
PHYS 1583Introductory Physics for Engineers IIYes
PHYS 1591Introductory Physics Laboratory for EngineersYes
PHYS 1703Mechanics 1Yes
WRDS 150*3Strategies for University Writing or Engineering Communication

*WRDS 150 or equivalent (ENGL 100, 110, 111 or 112)
Complementary Studies Electives
Humanities or Social Science Elective3One course totalling 3 credits of a humanities and social science elective. This is a non-scientific and non-technical course that is generally found in the Faculty of Arts. It is recommended that you select a 100-level course. If you are intending to pursue a minor in your third year, consider taking courses that might be applicable to the minor program. Please see Complementary Studies for further details and exceptions.No

The complete standard First Year Engineering curriculum consists of 37 credits. For information on course descriptions please log in to Workday

Pre-Requisites for Engineering Programs

For the most up-to-date program-specific requirements, please consult the Academic Calendar.

The following tables indicate the first-year engineering courses that are pre-requisites for upper-year (years 2+) courses by the program. First-year BASC students are expected to complete all courses in their first year Engineering timetable before advancing to 2nd year. Students are encouraged to book an appointment with an academic advisor before dropping any courses. Failure to do so could impact academic standing, academic progression, study permits, and student loans.

Please click on the program name to view the prerequisites.

This table applies to first year BASC students enrolled in the Pre-Biomedical Engineering Pathway

First-Year Course Direct Pre/Co Requisites Affected Pre/Co Requisites
APSC 100
BMEG 101 BMEG 230 (Term 1)
BMEG 257 (Term 2)
APSC 160 CPEN 221 (Term 1) or CPEN 223 (Term 1)
CHEM 121
CHEM 123 BMEG 210 (Term 1)*
MATH 100
MATH 101 MATH 253 or MATH 226 (Term 1) BMEG 220 (Term 2, MATH 253, MATH 256 are pre-req, MATH 264 is a co-req)
MATH 264 (Term 2, MATH 253 or MATH 226 is pre-req)
(Term 1 & Term 2, MATH 253 or MATH 226 is co-req) BMEG 250 (Term 2, MATH 256 is pre-req)
MATH 152 MATH 256 (Term 1 & Term 2) BMEG 220 (Term 2, MATH 256 is pre-req)
BMEG 250 (Term 2, MATH 256 is pre-req)
MATH 264 (Term 2, BMEG 220 is co-req)
PHYS 157 BMEG 210 (Term 1)
PHYS 158 BMEG 220 (Term 2)
BMEG 102
PHYS 170 BMEG 230 (Term 1)
WRDS 150B BMEG 201 (Term 2)
* Chem 123 is a recommended prerequisite for BMEG 210, it is not a strict prerequisite

This table applies to first year BASC students enrolled in the Standard First Year Timetable 

First-Year Course Direct Pre/Co Requisites Affected Pre/Co Requisites
APSC 100
APSC 101 BMEG 200 (Summer Term 2)
BMEG 230 (Term 1)
BMEG 257 (Term 2)
APSC 160 CPEN 221 (Term 1) or CPEN 223 (Term 1)
CHEM 154 BMEG 210 (Term 1)*
MATH 100
MATH 101 MATH 226 (Term 1) BMEG 220 (Term 2, MATH 253, MATH 256 are pre-req, MATH 264 is a co-req)
MATH 264 (Term 2, MATH 253 or MATH 226 is pre-req)
MATH 256
(Term 1 & Term 2, MATH 253 or MATH 226 is co-req)
BMEG 250 (Term 2, MATH 256 is pre-req)
MATH 152 MATH 256
(Term 1 & Term 2)
BMEG 220 (Term 2, MATH 256 is pre-req)
BMEG 250 (Term 2, MATH 256 is pre-req)

MATH 264 (Term 2, BMEG 220 is co-req)
PHYS 157 BMEG 210 (Term 1)
PHYS 158 BMEG 220 (Term 2)
PHYS 159 BMEG 200 (Summer Term 2)
PHYS 170 BMEG 230 (Term 1)
WRDS 150B BMEG 201 (Term 2)
* Chem 123 is a recommended prerequisite for BMEG 210, it is not a strict prerequisite. Regular STT students will be taking CHEM 121& CHEM 123 during the Summer Term after Year 2.

Chemical and Biological Engineering

First-Year Course Direct Pre/Co Requisites Affected Pre/Co Requisites
APSC 100
APSC 101
APSC 160 CHBE 230 (Term 2)
CHEM 154 CHBE 220 (Term 1) CHBE 201 (Term 1, CHBE 220 is co-req)
CHBE 221 (Term 2, CHBE 220 is pre-req)
CHBE 241 (Term 1) CHBE 244 (Term 2, CHBE 241 is pre-req)
CHEM 250 (Term 1) CHBE 263 (Term 1, CHBE 220, CHBE 241,CHEM 250, CHEM 260 are co-req)
CHBE 264 (Term 2, CHBE 263 is pre-req and CHBE 244 is co-req)
CHEM 260 (Term 1)
MATH 100
MATH 101 CHBE 220 (Term 1) CHBE 201 (Term 1, CHBE 220 is co-req)
CHBE 221 (Term 2, CHBE 220 is pre-req)
CHBE 263 (Term 1, CHBE 220 is co-req)
CHBE 264 (Term 2, CHBE 263 is pre-req)
MATH 253 (Term 1)
MATH 256 (Term 1&2, MATH 253 is co-req) CHBE 230 (Term 2, MATH 256 is co-req)
CHBE 251 (Term 2, MATH 256 is co-req)
MATH 152 MATH 256 (Term 1&2) CHBE 230 (Term 2, MATH 256 is co-req)
CHBE 251 (Term 2, MATH 256 is co-req)
CHBE 241 (Term 1) CHBE 244 (Term 2, CHBE 241 is pre-req)
CHBE 263 (Term 1, CHBE 241 is co-req)
CHBE 264 (Term 2, CHBE 263 is pre-req and CHBE 244 and CHBE 251 are co-reqs)
PHYS 157
PHYS 158
PHYS 170 CHBE 251 (Term 2) CHBE 264 (Term 2, CHBE 251 is co-req)
WRDS 150B CHBE 201 (Term 1) CHBE 220 (Term 1, CHBE 201 is co-req)
CHBE 221 (Term 2, CHBE 220 is pre-req)
CHBE 263 (Term 1, CHBE 220 is co-req)
CHBE 264 (Term 2, CHBE 263 is pre-req)

Civil Engineering

First-Year Course Direct Pre/Co Requisites Affected Pre/Co Requisites
APSC 100
APSC 101
APSC 160
CHEM 154 CIVL 204 (Term 1&2)
MATH 100
MATH 101 CIVL 230 (Term 1) CIVL 210 (Term 2, CIVL 230 is pre-req)
CIVL 231 (Term 2, CIVL 230 is pre-req)
CIVL 215 (Term 1) EOSC 210 (Term 1, CIVL 215 is co-req)
MATH 253 (Term 1)
MATH 256 (Term 1&2, MATH 253 is co-req)
STAT 251 (Term1&2)
MATH 152 CIVL 231 (Term 2)
MATH 256 (Term 1&2)
PHYS 157
PHYS 158
PHYS 170 CIVL 230 (Term 1) CIVL 210 (Term 2 CIVL 230 is pre-req)
CIVL 231 (Term 2, CIVL 230 is pre-req),
CIVL 215 (Term 1) EOSC 210 (Term 1, CIVL 215 is co-req)
WRDS 150B CIVL 201 (Term 1)
CIVL 203 (Term 1 CIVL 201 is co-req) CIVL 231 (Term 2 CIVL 203 is pre-req)

Computer Engineering

First-Year Course Direct Pre/Co Requisites Affected Pre/Co Requisites
APSC 100
APSC 101
APSC 160 CPEN 211 (Term 1) CPEN 212 ( Term 2, CPEN 211 and CPEN 221 are pre-reqs)
CPEN 221 (Term 1) CPEN 221 (Term 1&2, CPEN 221 is pre-req)
CHEM 154
MATH 100
MATH 101 MAT 220* (Term1&2) CPEN 221 (Term 1&2, MATH 220 is pre-req)
MATH 253 (Term 1)
MATH 256 (Term1&2, MATH 253 is co-req
ELEC 201 (Term 1 & 2, MATH 256 is co-req)
MATH 152 MATH 256 (Term 1&2) ELEC 201 (Term 1 & 2, MATH 256 is co-req)
PHYS 157
PHYS 158 ELEC 201 (Term 1 & 2)
PHYS 170
WRDS 150B CPEN 281 (Term 1)
* Students are required to either achieve a minimum score of 64% on MATH 101 or MATH 253 is pre-req for MATH 220

Electrical Engineering

First-Year Course Direct Pre/Co Requisites Affected Pre/Co Requisites
APSC 100
APSC 101
APSC 160 CPEN 211 (Term 1)
CPSC 259 (Term 1)
CHEM 154
MATH 100
MATH 101 MATH 253 (Term 1) MATH 264 (Term 2, MATH 253 is pre-req)
ELEC 211 (Term 2, MATH 253 is pre-req and MATH 264 is co-req)
MATH 256 (Term 1&2, MATH 253 is co-req) ELEC 221 (Term 1&2, MATH 256 is pre-req)
ELEC 201 (Term 1&2, MATH 256 is co-req) ELEC 291 (Term 2, ELEC 201 is pre-req and MATH 256 is co-req)
ELEC 202 (Term 1& 2, MATH 256 and ELEC 201 are pre-req)
MATH 152 MATH 256 (Term 1&2) ELEC 201 (Term 1&2, MATH 256 is co-req)
ELEC 202 (Term 1&2, MATH 256 is a pre-req)
ELEC 221 (Term 1&2, MATH 256 is pre-req)
ELEC 291 (Term 2, MATH 256 is co-req)

PHYS 157
PHYS 158 ELEC 201 (Term 1&2) ELEC 291 (Term 2, ELEC 201 is pre-req)
ELEC 202 (Term 1& 2, ELEC 201 is pre-req)
ELEC 211 (Term 2) MATH 264 (Term 2, ELEC 211 is co-req)
PHYS 159
PHYS 170
WRDS 150B ELEC 281 (Term 2)

Engineering Physics

First-Year Course Direct Pre/Co Requisites Affected Pre/Co Requisites
APSC 100
APSC 101
APSC 160 CPEN 211 (Term 1)
CHEM 154
MATH 100
MATH 101 MATH 217 (Term1, minimum score 68% or higher)* ENPH 257 (Summer Term 1 MATH 217 or MATH 255 is pre-req)
MATH 255 MATH 255 (Term 1, Math 217 is co-req) ELEC 204 (Term 1, MATH 255 is co-req)
MATH 257 (Summer Term 1, MATH 255 is pre-req)
MECH 260 (Term1&2)
MATH 152 MATH 217 (Term 1)* ENPH 257 (Summer Term 1 MATH 217 or MATH 255 is pre-req)
MATH 255 (Term 1, Math 217 is co-req) MATH 257 (Summer Term 1, MATH 255 is pre-req)
ELEC 204 (Term 1, MATH 255 is co-req)
PHYS 157 ENPH 257 (Term 1)
ENPH 259 (Term 1) ENPH 253 (Summer Term 1&2, ENPH 259 is pre-req)
PHYS 158 MATH 217 (Term1, minimum score 68% or higher)* MATH 255 (Term 1, Math 217 is co-req)
MATH 257 (Summer Term 1, MATH 255 is pre-req)
ELEC 204 (Term 1, MATH 255 is co-req)
ENPH 257 (Summer Term 1 MATH 217 or MATH 255 is pre-req)
ENPH 259 (Term 1) ENPH 253 (Summer Term 1&2, ENPH 259 is pre-req)
PHYS 250 (Summer Term 1)
PHYS 159 ENPH 257 (Term 1)
ENPH 259 (Term 1) ENPH 253 (Summer Term 1&2, ENPH 259 is pre-req)
PHYS 170 MECH 260 (Term1 & 2)
ENPH 270 (Summer Term 1)
WRDS 150B ENPH 259 (Term 1) ENPH 253 (Summer Term 1&2, ENPH 259 is pre-req)
IGEN 201 (Summer Term 1)
*If unable to take MATH 217, replace with MATH 253 and MATH 317.

Environmental Engineering

First-Year Course Direct Pre/Co Requisites Affected Pre/Co Requisites
APSC 100
APSC 101
APSC 160 CHBE 230 (Term 2)
CHEM 154 CHBE 241 (Term 1) CHBE 244 (Term 2, CHBE 241 is pre-req)
CIVL 204 (Term 1&2)
ENVE 202 (Term 2, CHBE 241 and CIVL 204 are pre-req)
MATH 100
MATH 101 MATH 253 (Term 1)
MATH 256 (Term 1&2, MATH 253 is co-req) CHBE 230 (Term 2, MATH 256 is co-req)
CIVL 215 (Term 1)
MATH 152 MATH 256 (Term 1&2) CHBE 230 (Term 2, MATH 256 is co-req)
CHBE 241 (Term 1) CHBE 244 (Term 2, CHBE 241 is pre-req)
ENVE 202 (Term 2, CHBE 241 is pre-req)
PHYS 157
PHYS 158
PHYS 159
PHYS 170 CIVL 215 (Term 1)
WRDS 150B ENVE 201 (Term 2)

Geological Engineering

First-Year Course Direct Pre/Co Requisites Affected Pre/Co Requisites
APSC 100
APSC 101
APSC 160 EOSC 213 (Term 2)
CHEM 154 EOSC 220 (Term 1) EOSC 221 (Term 2, EOSC 220 is pre-req)
EOSC 223* (Term 2, EOSC 221 is co-req)
MATH 100
MATH 101 CIVL 230 (Term 1) CIVL 210 (Term 2, CIVL 230 is pre-req)
CIVL 215 (Term 1) EOSC 210 (Term 1, CIVL 215 is co-req)
EOSC 240 (Term 2, EOSC 210 is pre-req and CIVL 210 is co-req)
MATH 253 (Term ) EOSC 213 (Term 2, MATH 253 is pre-req)
STAT 251 (Term 1&2)
MATH 152 EOSC 213 (Term 2)
PHYS 157
PHYS 158
PHYS 159
PHYS 170 CIVL 230 (Term 1) CIVL 210 (Term 2, CIVL 230 is pre-req)
CIVL 215 (Term 1) EOSC 210 (Term 1, CIVL 215 is co-req)
EOSC 240 (Term 2, EOSC 210 is pre-req and CIVL 210 is co-req)
WRDS 150B APSC 201 (Term 1&2)
*This course is one week field school end of Term 2.

Integrated Engineering

First-Year Course Direct Pre/Co Requisites Affected Pre/Co Requisites
APSC 100
APSC 101
APSC 160
CHEM 154 CHBE 241 (Term 1) CHBE 244 (Term 2, CHBE 241 is pre-req)
MATH 100
MATH 101 MATH 253 (Term 1)
MATH 255 (Term 1, MATH 253 is co-req) ELEC 204 (Term 1, MATH 255 is co-req)
ELEC 205 (Term 1, ELEC 204 is pre-req)
CPEN 312 (Term 2, ELEC 204 is pre-req)
MECH 260 (Term 1&2)
CIVL 215 (Term 1)
MATH 152 MATH 255 (Term 1)
CHBE 241 (Term 1) CHBE 244 (Term 2, CHBE 241 is pre-req)
ELEC 204 (Term 1, MATH 255 is co-req) ELEC 205 (Term 1, ELEC 204 is pre-req)
CPEN 312 (Term 2, ELEC 204 is pre-req)
PHYS 157
PHYS 158 ELEC 204 (Term 1) ELEC 205 (Term 1, ELEC 204 is pre-req)
CPEN 312 (Term 2, ELEC 204 is pre-req)
PHYS 159
PHYS 170 MECH 260 (Term 1&2)
CIVL 215 (Term 1)
WRDS 150B IGEN 201 (Term 2)

Manufacturing Engineering

First-Year Course Direct Pre/Co Requisites Affected Pre/Co Requisites
APSC 100
APSC 101
APSC 160 CPEN 223 (Term 1)
CHEM 154
MATH 100
MATH 101 MATH 253 (Term 1)
MATH 255 (Term 1, MATH 253 is co-req)
ELEC 203 (Term 1, MATH 255 is co-req)
MANU 261 (Term 1, MATH 255 is co-req)
MANU 265 (Term 2, MATH 255 is co-req)
MECH 260 (Term 1&2)
MATH 152 MATH 255 (Term 1) ELEC 203 (Term 1, MATH 255 is co-req)
MANU 261 (Term 1, MATH 255 is co-req)
MANU 265 (Term 2, MATH 255 is co-req)
PHYS 157
PHYS 158 ELEC 203 (Term 1)
MANU 261 (Term 1)
MANU 265 (Term 2)
PHYS 159
PHYS 170 MECH 260 (Term 1&2)
MANU 265 (Term 2)
WRDS 150B MANU 201 (Term 1)

Mechanical Engineering

MECH 2 Prerequisites
Students placed in MECH are expected to have completed MATH 100, MATH 101, MATH 152, PHYS 170, all of PHYS 157, PHYS 158, PHYS 159, and WRDS 150 or another first-year English course and must have received credit for these courses no later than August 1st. Students missing prerequisite courses will not be allowed to commence MECH 2.
Please contact the MECH Department for any concerns.

Mining Engineering

First-Year Course Direct Pre/Co Requisites Affected Pre/Co Requisites
APSC 100
APSC 101
APSC 160
CHEM 154
MATH 100
MATH 101 MATH 253 (Term 1) MECH 280 (Term 2, MATH 253 is pre-req)*
MATH 255 (Term 1 Math 253 is co-req) or MATH 256 (Term 1 &2 Math 253 is co-req)* CHBE 251 (Term 2, MATH 256 is co-req))*
STAT 251 (Term1&2)
MECH 260 (Term 1&2) CIVL 210 (Term 2, MECH 260 is pre-req)
CIVL 215 (Term 1)*
MATH 152 MATH 255 (Term 1) or MATH 256 (Term 1 &2)* CHBE 251 (Term 2, MATH 256 is co-req)*
MECH 280 (Term 2)*
PHYS 157 MECH 280 (Term 2)*
PHYS 158 MECH 280 (Term 2)*
PHYS 159 MECH 280 (Term 2)*
PHYS 170 MECH 260 (Term 1&2) CIVL 210 (Term 2, MECH 260 is pre-req)
MECH 280 (Term 2)*
CIVL 215 (Term 1)*
CHBE 251 (Term 2)*
WRDS 150B APSC 201 (Term 2)
*Students will either take MATH 255 or MATH 256
*Students will take one of MECH 280, CIVL 215, or CHBE 251

Materials Engineering

First-Year Course Direct Pre/Co Requisites Affected Pre/Co Requisites
APSC 100
APSC 101
APSC 160
CHEM 154
MATH 100
MATH 101 MATH 253 (Term 1)
MATH 255 (Term 1, MATH 253 is co-req)
MECH 260 (Term 1&2)
MATH 152 MATH 255 (Term 1)
PHYS 157
PHYS 158
PHYS 159
PHYS 170 MECH 260 (Term 1&2)
WRDS 150B MTRL 201 (Term 2) MTRL 280 (Term 2, MTRL 201 is co-req)

Complementary Studies

As part of the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board requirements, you must complete courses from each of the following Complementary Studies categories.

RequirementCredit RequirementCourses Considerations
Professional Ethics, Equity and Law2APSC 450Civil and Geological engineering students will take CIVL 402.

Biomedical engineering students will take BMEG 455.

Manufacturing and Mechanical engineering will take MECH 400.

WRDS 150B or equivalent, and Year 2 Technical Communication course

List of accepted equivalents to WRDS 150b:
-ENGL 100
-ENGL 110
-ENGL 111
-ENGL 112
-ENGL 1st (3 credits)
-ENGL 1st (6 credits)
-WRCM 1st (3 credits)
-WRDS 150A (3credits)

Students will take WRDS 150B, or equivalent in Year 1 in addition to their First Year timetable. ENGL 140 does not satisfy this requirement.

WRDS 150B, or its equivalent, must be taken prior to the start of Year 3. Students who do not meet this requirement will be limited to 12 credits in term 1 of their year 3 standing and no further credits until completion of the requirement.

Note: Some programs contain second-year courses that require WRDS 150 as a pre-requisite, and some require successful completion of WRDS 150 prior to beginning second-year. Therefore, it is recommended that students make every effort to complete this requirement prior to the start of second year.

Technical Communication is a mandatory course taken in Year 2 and is normally part of your program timetable. Please consult with your program to determine if you need to add this course to your schedule manually. Students who do not meet this requirement will be limited to 12 credits in term 1 of their year 4 standing and no further credits until completion of the requirement.
Engineering Economics3BMEG 401
CHBE 459
CIVL 403
CPEN 481
ELEC 481
MECH 431
MINE 396
MTRL 455
Students must take the course which corresponds with their specialization (ie: MECH students must take MECH 431). This course is built into third or fourth year STTs.

Exceptions include IGEN and GEOE students, who may take any Engineering Economics course.
Humanities and Social Sciences Electives66 Credits from the Faculty of Arts focusing on the study of people, culture and social issuesStudents can take almost any course offered within the Faculty of Arts to fulfill the Humanities and Social Sciences elective requirement. Students can take a maximum of 3 credits in a language course towards fulfilling this requirement.

If you are considering a Minor in Arts, Commerce, or Entrepreneurship, you could use this opportunity to take a course that fulfills both requirements. For example, if you are considering a Minor in Commerce, ECON 101 would satisfy the Engineering Humanities and Social Sciences elective as well as one of the Minor in Commerce courses.

The following topics and courses cannot be taken to fulfill the Humanities and Social Sciences elective requirement: scientific geography courses, statistics courses, technical or scientific courses, studio/performance courses in fine arts, music and theatre, ANTH 140, ARCL 140, CLST 301, PHIL 125, PHIL 220, PSYC 218, VISA 110

To ensure a course is eligible prior to registering, please review the Humanities and Social Sciences Electives course list.
Impact of Engineering on Society, Sustainability and Environmental Stewardship3-APSC 261
-APSC 262
-APSC 367
-APSC 377
-APSC 462
-BMEG 402 (previously BMEG 400a)
-CIVL 200/250
-DES 130/ENDS 211
-DES 230/ENDS 221
-ENVE 203
-MECH 411 (previously MECH 410U)
-MECH 412 (previously MECH 410T)
-PLAN 211
-PLAN 341

Approved Courses are effective as of May 2022.
BMEG students will take BMEG 402 (previously 400a).

2023W and onwards: BMEG 402 is open to students in all programs, assuming your program will permit it towards Impact. However, students in BMEG will have priority for registration in the course.

CHML and CHBE engineering students will take APSC 261 or APSC 262 which is included in their third year timetable. Students may replace APSC 261 or APSC 262 with APSC 367.

CIVL engineering students will take CIVL 302 which is included in their third year timetable. CIVL 302 is only available to CIVL students.

ENVL engineering students will take ENVE 203, which is included in their second year timetable.
ENVE engineering students will take ENVE 203, which is included in their third year timetable.
ENVE 203 is only available to ENVL and to ENVE students.

MECH students will take MECH 411 or MECH 412.

Students in other programs may take any of the listed courses unless specified above.

Courses may not be offered every year. Consult the course schedule for current availability.

Program Specific Requirements

Program specific degree requirements are listed in the UBC Academic Calendar, and can be viewed using the links below. The information reflected in the calendar is for the current academic year. Program requirements may change between academic years due to accreditation requirements or curriculum updates. If you started your program in a prior year your degree requirements may vary slightly, we recommend that you contact your  Faculty Advisor to confirm if you have questions.

Biomedical EngineeringGeological Engineering
Chemical and Biological EngineeringIntegrated Engineering
Civil EngineeringManufacturing Engineering
Electrical and Computer EngineeringMaterials Engineering
Engineering PhysicsMechanical Engineering
Environmental EngineeringMining Engineering

Check Your Degree Requirements

The Academic Progress Report (APR) is a tool you can use to to learn more about your degree requirements. Using the APR, you can:

  • View your program requirements and course list
  • View course information as outlined in the UBC calendar
  • Evaluate courses you have taken against your program’s requirements

For continuing students (who have been at UBC for at least one year) please review our latest information on the transition to Workday.